Example sentences of "[was/were] what she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Shops were what she had missed most when she herself had been house-bound .
2 The words were what she had longed to hear , and she stayed silent , savouring the most wonderful moment of her life .
3 The office was what she had imagined .
4 All he had to do now was what she had asked — get to see Steen , give him the photographs and explain that Jacqui was nothing to do with Bill Sweet .
5 This was what she had achieved , and indeed in the 1950s when she was at work it was an enviable position for a woman .
6 It was what she had lived by .
7 And all she could repeat was what she had said to the ambulance men .
8 All she wanted to do was yield to it , because it was what she had wanted for the whole time she had been with him .
9 But it was what she had wanted .
10 She should have felt happy , relieved — that was what she had wanted , was n't it ?
11 It was what she had wanted to do since she met him — touch him like this , feel his naked body against her .
12 The kitchen was what she had expected , dominated by an antique cooker and a fridge the size of a Buick .
13 Claudia shrugged ; it was what she had expected .
14 Had she added up the facts wrongly , found him guilty more because it was what she had feared than that it was the truth ?
15 For here , in a sense , was what she had come to see .
16 He thought it was what she had come for .
17 It was what she had known all along .
18 All he had done was what she had told him to do and when he phoned from the motorway to tell her he 'd done it she 'd gone mad !
19 It was what she had longed for .
20 It was what she had thought only minutes before , so why did she feel this strange little ache to hear him repeat the sentiment ?
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