Example sentences of "[was/were] to [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if access to the ordinary commercial activity of a shopping precinct were to be blocked for a considerable period at a particularly busy time of day , so that people were prevented from conducting their ordinary business and social affairs , there is a disruption of sufficient significance to warrant the imposition of conditions .
2 If environmental improvements were to be sought outside the centre , they would have to be achieved through restraining the car , not excluding it .
3 This was true of the declared intention to establish not just a common commercial policy once the transitional period had been concluded , but also of objectives which were to be sought during the transitional phase : a common transport policy , free movement of workers , and a common agricultural policy .
4 If guidance were to be sought in matters which hovered on the boundary between the two , it was likely that the church would be seen by people and politicians as authoritative in resolving the issue .
5 It was he that realised that if solutions to deteriorating road safety were to be sought in terms of the physical environment for traffic , it was not simply a matter of improving roads , but of redesigning whole road systems :
6 ‘ If a cause were to be rendered of natural appearances in special as what are the motions and influences of the heavenly bodies and of their parts , the reason hereof must either be drawn from the parts of the sciences above mentioned , or no reason at all will be given , but all left to uncertain conjecture . ’
7 A follow-up language course , the Safari Course , was devised , and programmes framed by the language section of the newly formed Curriculum Development Centre were to be integrated with those prepared in other subject sections .
8 In the end , areas were to be selected for three years ( at NUTS Level III ) according to the following conditions : an unemployment rate higher by at least 15 per cent than the EC average during the previous three years , and industrial employment as a percentage of total employment greater than the EC average in every year of the previous fifteen years .
9 They had been trained in their own callings — pilots , navigators , gunners and wireless operator 's — and came together at No 19 OTU Kinloss where they were to be trained on Whitleys .
10 Several sessions were to be led by hospital nursing and other professional staff who had done little or no formal teaching before but who showed an interest in the project .
11 Under the programme , which was drawn up by the EC Commission , Albania was to be given 50,000 tonnes of EC wheat ; further donations amounting to 100,000 tonnes of wheat were to be canvassed from other Western countries .
12 Well aware that before their present position both she and the Emperor would have been officially designated by the sclerotic European courts as ‘ other persons who might be invited ’ , Eugénie had no hesitation in squashing what she considered to be behaviour unsuitable for the Court of Napoleon III , where ‘ other persons ’ were to be received with dignity and no hint of condescension .
13 Under the agreement , government and parastatal loans were to be repaid over a 20-year period with a three-year grace period , while commercial debts would become payable over 15 years with an eight-year grace period .
14 Repayment started in 1946 , initially only to men aged 65 or over and to women aged 60 or over , but the conditions for claiming varied over the years until 1972 when it was announced that there would be a ‘ general release ’ and that all credits were to be repaid without any further restrictions .
15 These men were the ministeriales , originally unfree tenants ; as the nobility became increasingly independent , the ministeriales were promoted to fill their place in the royal service , and they received increasingly valuable patronage and endowment ; abbots of imperial monasteries were even forbidden to distribute fiefs to free tenants — they were to be reserved for the unfree , the ministeriales .
16 Touches on the economic tiller were to be reserved for monetary policy — and changes in interest rates in particular .
17 However , the fact that 90 seats were to be reserved for workers , peasants , scientists , intellectuals , artists , students and ethnic minorities " active in the revolution " ( all of whom were expected to be NSF supporters drawn from its 145-member Council ) led to opposition accusations that the NSF meant to retain power .
18 In a heady essay written over thirty years ago , Giorgio de Santillana argued that some of the key ideas of the Scientific Renaissance were to be traced to developments in the arts .
19 ‘ If , for example , he were to be engaged in the reconnaissance of the Unknown Lands , ’ Alexei supplied .
20 If a set of presumptive penalties were to be constructed on the basis of Court of Appeal recommendations , for example , this would clearly have disastrous implications for sentencing levels elsewhere in the system , and particularly in the magistrates ' courts .
21 Sections of the Grid which were expected to carry increasingly heavy loads ( such as those between the coalfield power stations in the East Midlands and load centres in London ) were to be constructed with wide clearances so as to be suitable for conversion to even higher voltages later should the need arise .
22 During 1992 some 5,500 of the proposed 19,500 state housing units were to be constructed in occupied territories .
23 The factory which opened in 1986 at Washington , Tyne and Wear was capable of assembling 24,000 cars only and these were to be constructed from ‘ kits ’ imported from Japan .
24 Two tutors training sessions had been held and five candidates were to be examined on 28th October .
25 If there is a contract of employment , the employee 's obligations were to be determined from the contract .
26 The forest bounds were to be determined by a local jury in each county , in the presence of the justices , the Justice of the Forest or his deputy , and the foresters , ‘ according to the tenor of the Forest Charter of Henry III , saving always the King 's oath , the right of his Crown , and the actions and claims of the King and all others ’ .
27 He was selected to run in the 100 and 200 metres in the 1924 Olympics in Paris , but declined to run in the 100 metres on religious grounds , because the heats were to be run on a Sunday .
28 The three most important ministries in terms of mass control — Interior , Justice and Labour — continued to have Falangist ministers , while the economic ministries — Treasury , Agriculture , Commerce and Industry — were to be run by men committed to state interventionism and national self-sufficiency .
29 Even so , all developments were to be costed as if the NHS would be the sole funding agent and that no local authority or housing corporation money would come in .
30 Two thousand Cornishmen , it had been planned , were to be rushed to the defence of Plymouth , the most likely invasion point .
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