Example sentences of "[was/were] in [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 We know the approximate age of eight English bishops who were in possession of their sees in 1153 : all of them seem to have lived to be over seventy .
2 But Darlington Chief Inspector Matt Longstaff also believes club managers could have contacted the force if they were in doubt over their legal position .
3 With full-back Ian Hunter not appearing Cumbria were in doubt about their line-up until a few minutes before kick-off , but showed no signs of uncertainty when the action began , winning a penalty from their first attack .
4 Back upstairs , Paul Davies and his third-year colleagues , Patrick Quigley ( history ) and Geoff Smith ( English ) were in despair over their finances .
5 Buzz 's views on psychiatry were well known : psychiatrists were ‘ trick-cyclists ’ , not to be taken seriously , people who said that grown men were in love with their mothers : disgusting .
6 ( 1 ) The defendants were the plaintiff 's agents for the sale of Caliban and as such owed him contractual and fiduciary duties to disclose to him all material matters concerning the sale so that he would be able to make an informed judgment as to what price to accept for Caliban. ( 2 ) The defendants were also under a fiduciary duty not to put themselves in a position where their duties to the plaintiff were in conflict with their own interests or those of any other of their clients .
7 Of course , our bodily forms and somewhat disorganized working systems were in contradiction to their understanding of the correct codes of policing .
8 There , as here , the applicant for accommodation had begun proceedings in the county court , claiming that the local authority were in breach of their duty to provide accommodation for him .
9 It was claimed that trustees of the NUM ( the President , the Vice-President and the Secretary ) were in breach of their duties and the High Court ordered them to recover these assets and hand them over to the sequestrators .
10 For a period of months , several hundred school children in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets — mostly Bangladeshi in origin — had been without places but the court held this did not mean that the respondents were in breach of their duty if they were taking steps to remedy the situation .
11 The defendants were in breach of their statutory duty in failing to provide safety belts but advanced evidence to show that the plaintiff would not have worn one if it had been provided .
12 It was held that the employers were in breach of their personal duty of care , as they should have told the plaintiff to test the sashes to see if they were loose and provided him with wedges .
13 On their complaints of unfair dismissal an industrial tribunal found that the employers were justified in their decision that the employees were in breach of their implied duty in their contracts of employment that they should be loyal to their employers and that the dismissals were not unfair .
14 Now there are two areas where it is alleged that the defendants were in breach of their professional duty to exercise skill and care in advising the plaintiffs throughout their handling of this transaction .
15 He further asserts that during the nineteenth century litigants did not understand the way courts worked and were in awe of their proceedings , and that the intermediaries between litigants and justice , lawyers , court officials and petition-drawers , had little sympathy with or understanding for the average Sri Lankan .
16 On the afternoon of September 11 , 1991 a Lancaster , Spitfire and Hurricane of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight ( BBMF ) were in transit from their home base , RAF Coningsby , to Jersey to take part in the Jersey Air Show .
17 Fifty years ago the Royal Family were in control of their image .
18 This pattern was one of " alternate bouts of intense labour and of idleness wherever men were in control of their own working lives " .
19 The managers carefully channelled resentment towards the county council , who , they suggested , were in league with their headmistress .
20 If they were to try to maintain the parity of sterling against gold ( which was in accordance with their own instincts as well as with the views of most of their advisors , although not of Keynes ) they needed substantial foreign credits and they were unlikely to get these without welfare economies which would disrupt the Cabinet and its parliamentary support .
21 And although the Marian exiles were hurrying back to England , there was no evidence that she was in sympathy with their Calvinist brand of Protestantism .
22 But then men were never very good at seeing what was in front of their noses .
23 The defendants claimed that what they were doing was in furtherance of their dispute with the provincial newspapers .
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