Example sentences of "[was/were] in [art] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 This was a consequence of the blurring of the two affinities in the early 1460s when Warwick was a loyal servant of the crown and when his men were in a sense the king 's men at one remove , a relationship formalized in some cases by entry into the royal household .
2 Stalnaker , 1975 ) Or , to interpret the idea in a way less ontologically extravagant , a way which does not seem to commit us to a plurality of somehow existing worlds , what the conditional means is this : if our actual world were different in that it were raining , and differences overall were in a sense the smallest possible , the balcony would be wet .
3 This was a consequence of the blurring of the two affinities in the early 1460s when Warwick was a loyal servant of the crown and when his men were in a sense the king 's men at one remove , a relationship formalized in some cases by entry into the royal household .
4 The concept of the poll tax was that the more people there were in a property the more they paid , whereas under the council tax students will not add to but will deduct from the bill .
5 I taped you while you were in the toilet the other day .
6 Your Mum and Dad were in the audience the other night .
7 Once you were in the chair the tooth was as good as out , because Luigi had no intention of missing a chance to exercise his skill .
8 Apart from his regrettable affliction he was in every way the opposite to herself ; a great thick-headed , rumbustious extrovert totally out of place in her gracious menage : I never did find out how they came together but on my visits I found that Cedric had one admirer at least .
9 James was in every respect the kind of driver Alexander would get along with and that their enterprise did not finish so very far from winning , and failed to win not a few times only through misfortune — or the injustice of fate , speaks creditably of an underlying seriousness that they rarely allowed to show .
10 Besides , he was in no way the youth she had envisaged .
11 It was in a sense the just reward of his method of conducting foreign policy .
12 The nature of Russia 's ‘ conquest ’ , ‘ subjugation ’ , ‘ annexation ’ or ‘ assimilation ’ of Siberia has been the subject of a good deal of historical debate , and is indeed discussed briefly in some of the following chapters , particularly those by Basil Dmytryshyn , David Collins and James Forsyth — the last concentrating on the ambiguous impact of the incoming Slavs on the aboriginal Siberian peoples — but what is important to underline in this introductory essay is that Muscovy 's expansion from the Urals to the Pacific in the seventeenth century was in a sense the territorial and colonial complement to the institutional consolidation of the political power of the Russian autocratic state .
13 This was in a sense the first of the family of rare or inert gases to be discovered ; but in chemistry the discovery of an element requires also its isolation , and this did not happen until 1895 , when William Ramsay was in the process of finding the whole group of these gases .
14 And when her Ford Capri was in a crash the replacement was a diesel-powered Ford Sierra .
15 When he was in a production the overall power was somehow raised .
16 If he was in a procession the other members of the procession still worried about his inability to walk a straight line and feared that at some point he would peel off from the file .
17 ‘ She met some guy in there that day , some guy she used to go with , and he must 've said something because the next thing anyone knew , she was screaming at him , Pete was in the bar the morning after , he said the window was all over the floor , apparently she 'd thrown an ashtray at the guy and it had missed and taken the whole window out instead , and when he took her by the arm and tried to calm her down , she shook him off and ran out of the bar , right out in the street , and like I said , it was the bottom of a hill and there was a truck coming — ‘
18 North and England backs coach , Mike Slemen , said : ‘ The lesson for us was in the way the Springboks closed us down .
19 The first promise of money would be hardest to get , but once it was in the bag the others , not wanting to be left out , would fall in line .
20 I was in the house the night you came back , and I watched you try the french windows , and then go round to the back to find the kitchen window locked , too .
21 It was in the silence the love was .
22 I was in the supermarket the other day
23 I was in the supermarket the other day and then this bloke , I saw this bloke pick up this massive bottle of er vinegar right , and he took the top off there was some old woman just going down the aisle and he just started pouring it all over her
24 Lance Percival was in the audience the night that Ken descended on the stage from a rope , curled up his lips , flared his nostrils and in the snide voice he had used a hundred times in the Hancock shows slipped in a ‘ Hello ’ that had the Williams fans rolling .
25 Marjorie does the books ; their son John runs the shop and helps with the coaching ; his wife Janie does the typing , and when I was in the office the lad who brought in the post said ‘ There you are , Grandad ’ and turned out to be John 's son , James .
26 He was standing in the kitchen , and she was in the living-room the other side of the units .
27 Yeah , there 's got in , it was in the paper the other night the team of a hundred people gon na take fourteen days to erect this mega stage for Queen that 's gon na build at Wembley
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