Example sentences of "[was/were] at [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And there was an occasion when we were at a chapel anniversary service and Mother had to go on the platform to sing .
2 Well we were at a venture park on er Sunday and I reckon I probably did something on one of the rides without realizing it .
3 For the big four clearing banks , the stock of domestic provisions in relation to domestic lending ( 1.65 per cent in 1990 ) remains some way below the levels of the early 1980s and , while building societies ' mortgage losses and provision were at a record level in relation to mean assets last year ( 0.23 per cent ) , the ratio remained small in absolute terms .
4 That has been much nicer than paying the 5% or so charged on bank loans even when interest rates in Japan were at a record low .
5 A US Congressional Research Service report cited in the Middle East Economic Digest of March 22 stated that current food stocks in Iraq were at a record low .
6 Earlier , 150,000 people were at a rock concert in Frankfurt .
7 15% have plans underway , 10% said they were at the pilot stage and 11% are ‘ seriously considering ’ it — the other 56% have no open systems plans whatsoever .
8 They were at the brandy stage when she said ; ‘ You know , you got all that sex psychology wrong , before . ’
9 Royalbion 's most important guests were at the hospitality unit today , hoping for a smile from the Princess .
10 It is clear that Sharon and Tracy were at the cutting edge of fashion even then they were still wearing 1976 's Bay City Rollers outfits .
11 Freddy 's folks were at the country club .
12 I met this fellow from Newmarket when we were at The University Arms in Cambridge .
13 The line continued its progress as if Denwood were at the North Pole .
14 Both Lynda La Plante , who wrote Prime Suspect , and Alan Bleasdale , author of GBH , were at the Broadcasting Press Guild annual awards yesterday , receiving prizes for their work .
15 Both Lynda La Plante , who wrote Prime Suspect , and Alan Bleasdale , author of GBH , were at the Broadcasting Press Guild annual awards yesterday , receiving prizes for their work .
16 Sheila and Mona were at the convent secondary school , Michael was finishing national school .
17 We were at the Café Haleiwa for breakfast .
18 By October 1989 only three City Technology Colleges had actually opened , although eleven more were at the planning stage .
19 Burmese women were at the railway stations with food , fruit and water for the refugees on the crowded trains .
20 Miracles were reported at his tomb as they were at the burial place of Richard Scrope , Archbishop of York , who was beheaded in 1405 and whose popularity as a saintly defender of Church freedoms against the usurpation of secular authority rivalled that of Thomas of Canterbury .
21 Among visiting ploughmen this year will be Ray Robson and Adrian Brewer from England , both of whom were at the World Match at Limavady two years ago .
22 They were at the World Classics to win since those upstart Aussies already had one major tournament to boast about this year , and they were not getting their hands on this one .
23 They were at the Carteret Hotel and Nenna was to call her there as soon as possible .
24 And he asked me to telephone him while you were at the Casa Madrid , and pretend I was Miguelito . ’
25 Quite often police were at the stage door making sure they were out of the theatre at the regulation time .
26 There were at the time parallel proceedings against the mortgagees to preserve the plaintiff 's priority rights against the property by virtue of the caution entered at the Land Registry , and it was the mortgagees who requested an adjournment from 6 June 1991 to a later date .
27 The legal charge was executed by the Hammonds , who were at the time transferees under a transfer executed by Mrs. Steed as attorney for the registered proprietor .
28 and they said everybody there 's a meeting , so I thought oh christ cos it was just a standard joke me and Elaine , cos the last meeting they had , I were at the leisure shop then and they called the meeting to tell us it was the end and it was closing , and me and Elaine sneaked down the hall and we were going like this
29 ‘ You were at an office Christmas party , here in this office block : Fernley House .
30 ‘ Mr Evans was at a Council meeting and Auntie Lou was at the Chapel , cleaning up for Sunday .
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