Example sentences of "[was/were] they who [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It was they who surrounded the monarch and provided most of his advisers .
2 The Africans chopped and hauled the timber for the continuing building , it was they who stirred the stinking indigo : Sycorax fleeting from the side at their imitation of her skills .
3 Fortunately some of the neighbours intervened , and it was they who invented the sobriquet .
4 It was they who formed the core of the strikers , persuading and supporting other weaker women .
5 It was they who formed the trade unions when they were first legalized in 1906 .
6 It is the cattle dealers and butchers of the town who are of most interest to us , for it was they who took the dog of Rottweil and turned him to their use with great effect .
7 It was they who bore the brunt of efforts by employers to restructure , shift to more intensive labour , subject them to closer supervision from above , and in some cases introduce new machinery which dispensed with their skills .
8 It was they who maintained the parish coffin , the pall , the cloaks , the candles , the hearse and — in those instances when poverty made it necessary — the mass fee .
9 It was they who controlled the way in which performers , who came largely from working-class backgrounds , developed and packaged popular forms into acceptable acts .
10 It was they who bought the new consumer items produced by the new industries and who , as already suggested , were the first to practice family limitation on a significant scale .
11 It was they who oversaw the Ashleys ' first venture into environmental selling , whereby the country charm and old-world air of the house perfectly complemented the products on sale within .
12 It was they who introduced the Shah to Farah Diba …
13 Until the last years of the nineteenth century it was they who posed the most visible challenge to the status quo .
14 Another English spring has damply arrived , and the English have begun another cricket season , reminding themselves yet again that it was they who created the world 's most civilised form of sport .
15 People forget that it was they who freed the country from Pol Pot , otherwise many more would have died than the one million who were starved , tortured , and executed between 1975-78 .
16 That concept of authority deriving from God was , above all , the claim of the bishops of Rome and , as their influence grew , it was they who nourished the idea of a unitary empire .
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