Example sentences of "[was/were] not [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The victims were not just the established railway enthusiast tour operators ( all but a handful of which had already been squeezed out ) but organisations such as the women 's institutes and working men 's clubs , whose annual train trips had been a tradition .
2 ‘ Well met , Michael Riven , ’ he said quietly , and the words were distorted in his mouth , as though it were not yet the right shape for them .
3 Although climatic deterioration in the later Middle Ages certainly worsened the situation , these disasters were not simply the haphazard expression of hostile Nature .
4 Among those present on this occasion were not only the four bishops who had joined the queen in Suffolk after her landing but also Stratford of Winchester and Ayermine of Norwich .
5 Those helped were not only the elderly and unwell but could include people like young mothers with toddlers .
6 These were not necessarily the shy or reserved ones , who were quite likely to be snapped up by ‘ parents ’ who were looking for a quiet life .
7 Nonetheless , the workmen were not necessarily the hapless victims of exploitation .
8 What these scholars did was to place their own ( negative ) evaluations of [ h ] -loss on to the speech communities of earlier centuries in which evaluations of this phenomenon were not necessarily the same .
9 " Out now , out , Miss Nicandra , " Twomey turned on her , not surprisingly , for they were not always the best of friends .
10 Since it was generally associated with the corpuscular theory of matter it was a common idea in Locke 's time , though its details , and the arguments from which it was derived , were not always the same .
11 Russian concepts of suzerainty and subjection were not always the same as those of the peoples they were hoping to subdue .
12 The publicity and the facts were not always the same .
13 Thus at the very end of Volume Three Frodo sings again ‘ the old walking-song , but the words were not quite the same ’ ; he says not ‘ we may … take the hidden paths that run , /Towards the Moon or to the Sun ’ , but ‘ I shall ’ .
14 As it happened , the conditions were not quite the same for all teams …
15 Floy looked with interest at the fields and pastures and thought that , although they were much larger than the ones on Renascia and the crops and vegetables were not quite the same , there was not so very much difference , really .
16 Erm for instance in the dockyards , erm where conditions were n't broadly the same as was prevalent for example say , in Brothers or or .
17 They were n't even the same species , Kenne and her .
18 All the bales , they were n't there the other day .
19 Though they were n't always the conventional portrayals , she had no difficulty in recognising that they represented the signs of the zodiac .
20 It became apparent they were n't quite the compliant , bought and paid for hacks the malais hoped they were .
21 Very very few girls kissed , and the ones that did were n't necessarily the best kissers .
22 The views of the tutors at the agricultural college were n't necessarily the same as the stern-looking old man 's , and he did n't know enough about anything to enter into an argument .
23 If he thought that was beautiful he was not exactly the tasteful , classy guy he appeared to be , she thought , attempting to be callous .
24 We reminisced about Robinson 's batting , which was not exactly the best on the county circuit , but he did have one great moment when he put on 144 for the last wicket with Arnie Sidebottom against Glamorgan at Cardiff .
25 He was not exactly the Australian Rugby Football Union 's pin-up boy when his Italian club Milan initially refused him permission to participate in the parade .
26 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
27 In December that year , there was one occasion when within the circle there was not even the normal background level which could be detected outside .
28 Sadly , that was not even the last of the clubs to deny me membership .
29 When he first had the idea for the programme , Frank Spencer was not even the main character .
30 Mark himself states that it would have been remarkable for Jesus to have found fruit on the tree for it was not even the proper season for fruit .
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