Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] [verb] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , Nuadu had found his way to the strange twilight community of the Wolfwood ; the place that gave shelter to the half-breeds : the bastard sons of Royal Houses , the creatures who were not possessed of sufficient Beastblood to be acknowledged at Tara , but yet were not entirely Human .
2 Fenella saw , with a thrill of horror , that as his hand went through the colours , the robes shivered as if they were not made of plain cloth , but of some living , breathing substance .
3 The most amusing of these is the suggestion that pikemen worse short buff-coats made from imported buffalo leather from America , while in fact pikemen did not wear buff-coats , and the buff-coats which were worn by cavalry troopers were not made of American buffalo leather but local oxhide .
4 What Wood points out is that , if the system were not made of complementary modules but was redundantly organized with function distributed across all components , there are some conditions under which double dissociations would still arise .
5 And , for the first time , the full annual report offered the financially more sophisticated a wide-ranging analysis of results ( given separately for the society and the group ) and business activities that were not required of other institutions .
6 Investors were not told of these connections before they purchased the shares .
7 We were not starved of new westerns in that era when great old stars were playing aged gunfighters and movie squabbled with movie on the ideological terrain laid out by the war in Vietnam .
8 Emmanuelli , who was not suspected of personal enrichment , denied the charges , describing them as " artificial " and politically motivated .
9 Although somewhat bulky and unflattering , it was not unsuccessful as it blended with the current trend for layered clothes and endorsed the rustic air of a bygone age that other ‘ Laura Ashley ’ clothes were now describing , As they would not consider offering anything that was not made of 100 per cent natural fibres , they managed to complete the range by producing dresses in brushed cotton and cotton corduroy .
10 The plaintiffs conceded that their product was not made of secret materials but secrecy arose from the way in which the materials were mixed , the temperature employed in various stages of manufacture and the method of testing the consistency of the product .
11 As a boy , of course , I was not to know of such matters , such degradation , such humiliation and indignities .
12 C was not advised of this call , nor of a further call from the solicitor the following morning .
13 This was partly to save money ( since an ambassador had to live in a style and with an expense which was not expected of lesser mortals ) and partly to minimise the risk of quarrels over precedence .
14 Oh no , no , I did n't , I was n't thinking of that , but er
15 I said i I was n't thinking of that !
16 No , I was n't thinking of any time .
17 Blaming it on the Company would be just a fallback — you would n't believe me if I said I was n't drinking of that but you might believe me if I say we 'd prefer the good old British way : that nothing happened and there 's no blame at all .
18 From long experience , Belinda 's younger brothers would have known in an instant by the crisp , deceptively mild tone that she was no longer fooling around , but unfortunately Greg Carey was n't possessed of this experience , so he said on a thick , purring note , ‘ Because you need to loosen up , get rid of some inhibitions .
19 Its design , like Dot 's , was of crossed flags but was n't made of scratchy tin with rusting edges .
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