Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv prt] [prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Do you remember how you were on to me to write to him ?
2 Which was pretty heartening , considering it was down to him to do one of my parole reports and that most of the people in Styal were there for drugs , or drug-related crimes , like kiting cheques [ passing stolen cheques ] to buy drugs or shoplifting to buy drugs .
3 But after a further month 's reflection she changed her mind and wrote to Moira that it was up to her to do something about ‘ the incompetence of your staff at Harriet Street [ which ] is now causing BA and myself sleepless nights ’ .
4 It was up to her to rectify that as best she could .
5 Would she feel nowadays it was up to her to make contact ? ’
6 He was attracted to her , as any red-blooded male would be to any presentable woman in these circumstances , but that was as far as it went and it was up to her to make sure her own feelings did n't betray her .
7 Now it was up to her to prove that Josey was right .
8 Perhaps she felt it was up to her to enter the ‘ artistic ’ world to which Arnold remained a devoted but remote outsider .
9 It was up to her to get herself and the twins out of here , back to the safety of their apartment — and clearly any display of outrage or temperament was only going to delay matters .
10 It was up to her to try and work out a plan of escape , but without expert help that was n't going to be easy .
11 It was up to him to save her and he knew how to do it .
12 He believed , without conceit , that not everyone could do this job and , as he felt that he could , it was up to him to do it .
13 James recognized that , while Laura 's shaping of the product range was crucial , it was up to him to design a corporate structure to support it ; otherwise the company could scarcely expand and might even cease operating altogether .
14 Since Philip was challenging Henry II 's right to hold Alice , Brittany and the Vexin it was up to him to take the initiative .
15 Now it was up to him to get the youngsters out , before they were trapped and incinerated .
16 Lou Macari says … he ; s very annoyed about what happened at swindon.the people that ran the club let him doww … but it was up to him to get on with his football and he 's happy at Stoke having won a cup at wembley and promotion to the first division
17 If he was at all interested it was up to him to make the first move .
18 And it was up to him to adjust the weight
19 Boy assumed that it was up to him to find out if these bars were closed , were unfashionable , were dangerous or were simply too expensive for him to visit …
20 It was up to them to prove their case .
21 Robbo quite rightly got his chance and it was up to me to decide whether I wanted to fight for my place or not .
22 ‘ It was up to me to decide that .
23 So then it was up to me to go back to the script and find what I could to give me a lead .
24 In the circumstances it is obvious that it was up to me to present them first .
25 Anyway , when I saw he was n't going to do anything about it , I figured it was up to me to make friends with Ibrahim and find out what he was doing .
26 ‘ Older than you , married , female : it was up to me to keep us on the straight and narrow .
27 He 'd kept his part by buying me the nightdress , now it was up to me to keep mine .
28 I told my friend Bridget it was up to us to keep watch .
29 Ryan was one of our own , you might say , came from the village , so it was up to us to try and put it right .
30 It was up to you to see that you were justified .
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