Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [prep] each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently world trade was encouraged since all currencies were exchangeable for each other and for gold at stable rates of exchange .
2 In her mind , she often saw herself striding towards it , through it , out into the sunshine beyond to be part of that bright , busy , civilized world where people like Simon smiled , listened , and were polite to each other .
3 She knew perfectly well that she and Ludo were right for each other .
4 All her previous doubts as to whether they were right for each other , whether she cared for him enough , had been answered by her reaction to Michele Lorenzo .
5 ‘ In Africa , ’ she continues , ‘ it was the first time I was confronted by these women that were fearless with each other .
6 Nobody could understand why they were friends , as they were different from each other in every way .
7 But the faults in the genes and the resultant proteins were different in each case : one producing an enzyme molecule with large structural changes , the other having a single amino acid change at a critical part of the molecule .
8 Even if they were fond of each other , which they most definitely were n't .
9 We were fond of each other , but it was difficult because of Eddie , and your father …
10 We must recognise that villages in the past were nucleations of farms and cottages , generally in a discrete unit of land , with a separate field system , managed communally so that all farmers and landholders were interdependent on each other .
11 ‘ Arianna and I were wrong for each other in dozens of ways .
12 He subdivided this very large genus into several ‘ sections ’ , each of which contained species which were similar to each other and probably closely related — though there are a few species which , in typical cichlid fashion , do n't seem to fit properly anywhere .
13 The numbers withdrawn were similar in each treatment group .
14 It was not perfect with Erica but they were honest with each other — as honest as two lovers can be — and Erica was forgiving .
15 Differences in the regression coefficients and the 95% confidence interval between adjusted and unadjusted analyses were minimal in each lung function measurement , underlining the consistency of the findings .
16 To reflect this , the Consultative Paper proposed that such centres could be offered the opportunity to accept devolved responsibility for quality elements normally administered by SCOTVEC , provided that the internal quality systems in place were appropriate to each element for which devolved responsibility was being sought .
17 The movements were strongly influenced by the stylised Bugako players and were appropriate to each scene , but oddly enough the whole appeared too static , as if a series of japanese prints was being paraded before the audience .
18 My parents were besotted with each other and always in each other 's arms .
19 Alan Vincent , 58 , a neighbour of the couple in Winchester , Hampshire told how they were besotted with each other .
20 Tears ran down both their faces , and though neither could shoulder the other 's pain , they were glad of each other 's company in their sorrow .
21 Mother and daughter were glad of each other 's company then , while the electric storm boomed and crashed around them in the black night , as if aiming for this one exposed place .
22 Well , they were welcome to each other .
23 We were intimate with each other — not in a romantic way but in terms of our working relationship .
24 In the counting task , the subject simply said how many dots were present after each trial .
25 Since the start of deaf education , however , marriage of deaf people had increased , and out of 63 married males 53 married females in London , 50 males and 50 females were married to each other ; in Manchester , out of 22 married males and 18 married females , 14 males and 14 females were married to each other ; in Liverpool , 14 out of 18 married males were married to 14 females — there were no females in Liverpool married to hearing persons .
26 Since the start of deaf education , however , marriage of deaf people had increased , and out of 63 married males 53 married females in London , 50 males and 50 females were married to each other ; in Manchester , out of 22 married males and 18 married females , 14 males and 14 females were married to each other ; in Liverpool , 14 out of 18 married males were married to 14 females — there were no females in Liverpool married to hearing persons .
27 Many separate chunks of land , known as terranes , were involved in each episode .
28 It was also agreed that , once the changes implied by these actions were effective in each College , further measures would be taken to reflect the computer developments and to address the issue of adjusting finance in relation to actual costs ( ie by enhancing cost-control and income-generating activities ) so that the Colleges could move towards the state of financial equilibrium implied by the system models .
29 Her mouth tightened at the realisation that , like it or not , she and Dr Arrogant Grant were stuck with each other , for the duration of this trip at least .
30 In 1934 the Hall Committee made a set of regulations for lending which were stuck in each book on a numbered bookplate ; the highest number remaining is over 800 .
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