Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 Differences of opinion on nomenclature were rife at this time .
2 The Duke and Duchess were old by this time and salvation uppermost on the Duke 's mind , it would seem .
3 Mr Sutherland said the waters were dangerous at this time of year and contained almost no haddock .
4 The quillons were short at this time , curving slightly towards the blade , while the grip was short without a swell , the pommel being usually a simple knob or wheel-shape .
5 Although the personal concerns of rulers and their consorts began to find reflection in the jade record as early as the Shang dynasty , in general state affairs were dominant at this time .
6 But for the mechanical hospital bed , she might have been in a first-class hotel : the sitting room was agreeably furnished in eau-de-Nil , the bedroom in old rose ; the interconnecting rooms faced the sea over lawns and flower beds , though they were bleak at this time of the year .
7 Several overseas companies were active at this time .
8 It was possible at this time to cross the harbour by stepping from one boat to another , so closely were they moored .
9 The top of the hill was empty at this time of day .
10 ( I was glad at this time to remember that a woman in our own suburb had said to her once , ‘ I think you are the most attractive girl in the village ! ’ )
11 The whole gamut of shell shapes , ornaments , and sutural complexity was present during this time .
12 I was confident by this time that I was safe , despite retaining my poor showing at school , but I was in a new trade — Metal Rigger — and was , by result , as good as most .
13 She was tired by this time , and unsure of her judgement : of stresses , of odds , even of personalities .
14 The dog was awake by this time , and on its feet , hackles raised .
15 It seems clear therefore that the central administration was unable at this time to exercise effective financial control over the Forest wardens .
16 He wished his mouth did n't feel so dry — the air conditioning was hellish at this time of year , but the temperature and humidity without it would be even worse .
17 Because of the better opportunities in the States emigration from the West Indies was common at this time , and one can not help wondering how many more outstanding players might have graced their cricket had their parents not left .
18 ‘ I treated it with a three-month course of Danocrine , followed by surgery which was necessary by this time , but was only effective and permanent because of the follow-up Danocrine treatment . ’
19 The only other Hurricane of which I was aware at this time was flown by Hamish Hamilton , which was ahead and to my left .
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