Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Naval vessels were also contributed by Belgium and Italy ( which both on Aug. 21 confirmed that minesweepers sent initially to the eastern Mediterranean were to proceed on to the Gulf ) ; Greece announced on Aug. 20 that a frigate would join the naval forces in the Gulf , and Spain made a similar announcement the following day .
2 Such arguments over values , political or religious , were to go on into the next decade .
3 If one of these groups were to go over to the other side — as the army did in Romania — the balance of forces would be altered .
4 Off you go , ’ and I gathered we were to go back to the beginning and start again .
5 As for the rest of NATO , the cause of world peace , not to say sanity , would be served if these countries were to look back to the decision of 1979 and to admit , even to themselves , that they were wrong .
6 It was still not yet fully dark outside , and if she were to look out of the window , she would be able to see at once whether the outside world was part of her own world or whether it , too , was caught in this terrifying time slip .
7 If they were to escape back through the trench they would have to move quickly ; any moment now the sepoys would have crossed the yard from the hospital and outflanked them .
8 She could hear guests on the tennis-courts ; if she were to walk back to the house now , straightway , taking the short cut , she could avoid them .
9 Mr. Gow : While recognising the undoubted right of all members of the General Synod to deeply held views for or against the policies of the present Government , would it be helpful if my right Hon. Friend were to point out to the General Synod that its reputation would be enhanced if its members , when in Synod , devoted more time to matters spiritual than to matter political ?
10 eh , the same number on four lines , but if were want to go out four people were to phone in at the one time
11 Thus , with a rate of inflation averaging 4% in the 1980s , the £58 licence fee set in 1985 would have had to increase by £7 by 1988 if it were to keep up with the increase in the general price level only .
12 But it does figure that if you were to start out in the home recording business with the comparatively modest gear featured in volume one , then you would probably follow an upgrade path very similar to the one being demonstrated here , and so the whole thing retains a nice , logical pattern .
13 The last ten minutes of the journey were so exciting , I just could n't wait to plonk my feet in a nice bowl of water , then we reached the village we were to stay in for the next three weeks .
14 The Treasurer and barons of the Exchequer were ordered to examine Domesday Book and other records and documents in the Exchequer and Treasury which might throw light on this question , and to report to the Council : former officers of the Forest , such as Hugh Despenser , were to deliver up to the Chancellor and Treasurer all relevant documents in their possession and custody .
15 Moreover , if they were to break through within the established system then they just might be a little less enthusiastic about introducing proportional representation as " a first priority " since it could let one of the parties they would have displaced back into the game .
16 If Englishmen in America were to push on to the west , it was fairly predictable that there would be clashes with the thinly scattered Indian population , and it was quite certain that if they went far enough either west or north they would meet the French .
17 She decided that her best hope was to go up to the belvedere and see if she could find any indication at all that someone else had been involved in Gebrec 's death .
18 The biggest crime of all was to go round to the front of house or into the street in ‘ full slap ’ , as stage make-up was called .
19 Her first move was to go round to the various teachers who taught the senior class and borrow from them a number of text-books , books on algebra , geometry , French , English Literature and the like .
20 The plan was to go down to the south coast and camp .
21 He was to go down to the Supersight factory for some practice with Harley and was then to go with him to a couple of the Continental tournaments . ’
22 The only other alternative was to go back to the cottage , as well he 'd known .
23 His job was to go out into the bush to take samples and he found it the most unspoilt area on Earth he has ever been to , areas the size of Wales in which no white man has ever set foot .
24 One of the things he was NEVER NEVER allowed to do , the most exciting of them all , was to go out through the garden gate all by himself and explore the world beyond .
25 During more than 20 years in the food machinery business , I was a frequent traveller to the USA , and one of the fringe benefits for me was to go along to the tool department of the local Sears Roebuck store .
26 Einstein 's solution was to fall back on the old Romantic notion of the Imagination , suspending his disbelief in order to conduct what he called a " thought experiment " .
27 The only way to deal with him was to fall back on the technique that had always served her best .
28 Three weeks later , on the day I became Prime Minister , my first impulse was to sit down in the study which had been Harold 's and write him a letter of appreciation and grateful thanks .
29 Her initial action on reaching her room , however , was to sit down by the telephone and to try and concentrate her attention on what she should do now .
30 In terms of short-term economic measures , the main thrust of government policy was to drain off from the economy excess money which was fuelling inflation , contributing to constant shortages and frustrating efforts at economic control .
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