Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
2 One day , while he and I were walking on the moors , he announced , ‘ Jane , I 'll be leaving in six weeks . ’
3 yeah , but he was here the other Sunday and he , he , they were , he , he was reading my paper and he come back and he the following Sunday he said you have n't got last Sunday 's paper mum , I said I do n't know I might , oh I think I threw it out , anyway just happened to find it , it was something he read of some woman that were meddling on the pools and the , the , what she 'd used , you know and the
4 Erm Freud 's hypothesis is that this religion left Egypt because of the persecution , Moses was one of Akhenaten 's followers who went out into the desert , erm here as I 'll explain in the lectures er some of my own research opens up a new angle on this that Freud did n't know about and why they went out into the desert , why they picked up these er Hebrew erm er immigrants who were living on the fringes of the Egyptian Empire .
5 Both Greeks and Jews were living on the borders of the Persian Empire .
6 Critics claim that Freire 's ideal was a ‘ classless ’ environment for literacy campaigns , whereas in reality it inevitably tended to be urban , middle-class people who were passing on the skills .
7 In the garden the roses were blooming on the bushes .
8 Police were waiting on the streets and the square was turned into a dangerous , slippery ‘ ice rink ’ as water was sprayed over the hallowed ground in an effort to deter the demonstrators .
9 Barrymore , the butler , and his wife were waiting on the steps at the main entrance .
10 When the birds were not foraging with greenfinches , chaffinches and robins on the fragments beneath the bags , they were feeding on the nuts in the bag like other tits do , and this is seldom seen .
11 It was the dockers who were stealing on the docks .
12 The apples were ripening on the trees in the garden .
13 Behind him , people were lolling on the lawns among the neat flower-beds , ignoring
14 Suddenly all sorts of birds were alighting on the branches of the tree around where Little Billy was sitting , and the Minpins were climbing onto their backs in droves .
15 The Conservatives ' advantage over Labour in the post-election survey is nearly double what it was in 1964 and treble what it was as recently as on Tuesday and Wednesday last week : 1964Wk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Now Conservatives ' best 45 45 43 44 45 52 Labour best 34 37 38 38 38 31 Con advantage+11 +8 +5 +6 +7+21 While the Tories were triumphing on the issues , they were also triumphing on the matter of personal leadership .
16 On the opposite side of the quadrangle , silhouetted figures were standing on the roofs , whooping and jumping about .
17 A few heavy spots of rain were falling on the pavements like coins .
18 While Leontief , Pigou and Patinkin were speculating on the effects on demand of what might have to be , in principle , quite massive price reductions , the AD-AS framework gives the impression that relatively small price changes would make a powerful impact on aggregate demand .
19 And then the er the older ones when they were if if they were sitting on the walls outside , the erm deck level flats , again they were either disturbing the people there or , the people were out shouting at them to get away and sit on their own walls and things like that .
20 It was time for the deadly follow-up — the Offensive Offensive in which John Major would savage his opponents , even if they were sitting on the benches behind him .
21 He did not say whether they had been involved in any of the English advice or whether they were advising on the valuations as going concerns as bus stations or advising on the development values .
22 A group of geophysicists who were working on the rocks of the floor of the north-east Pacific had discovered , before Hess 's suggestion was published , that instead of a random pattern of reversals , such as were common on land , the oceanic crust in the Pacific exhibited a pattern of ‘ strip reversals ’ ; the rocks in each strip were magnetized in one fixed direction , but the rocks in alternate , parallel strips were magnetized in the reverse direction .
23 While the children were practising on the robins , Little Billy said to Don Mini , ‘ Is there no way in the world to get rid of that disgusting Red-Hot Smoke-Belching Gruncher down below ? ’
24 Today , buds were bursting on the trees and in the flower beds a show of early daffodils danced to the tune of the river breeze .
25 She was kneeling on the steps next to the old iron railings that ran along the front of the terrace , her arms supporting the naked body of her little boy , and she was trembling with the effort of holding him still .
26 Outside the Tivoli Theatre , it was raining on the photographs ( behind glass ) of all the pantomime stars .
27 ‘ When Boro played Peterborough United in the Rumbelows League Cup I was cheering on the lads .
28 He levelled it , straight and calm , at the shape that was thrashing on the tiles of the reception floor .
29 ‘ There was a lot of break and the boat was banging on the rocks . ’
30 The least I would expect would be an immediate invitation from the Prime Minister , come and see me , because if it was happening on the streets of any city in Britain and the MP stood up and said what I 've said I think he would be in Downing Street within the night .
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