Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [adv] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I could not understand how it was that they were discussing so placidly Jean-Claude 's current compositional ideas for the ‘ Chansons de Mani ’ .
2 She was lying so still Carrie thought she was dead , but when she got up to run and call Hepzibah she saw that her chest was still moving and knew she was only asleep .
3 She is still on a latitude 60 miles to the north of the New Zealand ketch , whose skipper Grant Dalton was going even further south .
4 So and she was , she was moaning away like sort of oh we alright !
5 I 'm standing there the silly bloke , he stood near where the gas equipment was and I was standing there both hands clenched ready for him to start saying something !
6 TRAGIC blind boy Nicholas Killen was smiling again yesterday thanks to kind-hearted Mirror readers .
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