Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the time we had cossetted one floor Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke 's legs were criss-crossed by lines resembling a noughts and crosses grid , and my jeans , saturated with a witch 's brew of chemicals , were gathering dust and fluff like a thieving magpie .
2 By ten p.m. certain members of the company were sniffing coke or had been turned on by acid or speed or grass .
3 Three other late-night drivers were eating sandwiches and drinking beer .
4 The rest of the family was in the sitting-room and the last time she had looked in they were eating chocolates and sorting through a pile of videos .
5 This was a report that gangs of men were raiding deer-parks and shooting deer with rifles fitted with silencers , then selling the animals for meat .
6 They were causing distress and amounted to a nuisance .
7 But the definitive change came on I August 1917 , when the Ministry of Shipping , which had been established by Lloyd George when he became Prime Minister in December 1916 , invited both the union and the Federation to confer with government representatives on the supply of seamen , wage difficulties and on other problems which were causing waste and delay to shipping .
8 By 1975 , Norwegian rivers such as the Tovdal , famous for salmon fishing within living memory , were turning acid and losing their fish and other life .
9 By 14.45 , 2.45 p.m. , they were by-passing Sandwich and speeding beneath the Roman Fort at Richborough .
10 They were holding paws and singing .
11 The couple she had met as the Corduroys , Ken and Louise , were holding plates and looking round for somewhere to sit .
12 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
13 The provision of horses was unexpected , but curiously cheering , because it seemed to show that the giants were sending Floy and Snodgrass off in reasonable style , as if they expected them to return .
14 Nothing is known of his early life , but by March 1797 ‘ Mrs Bullock and Son ’ were conducting modelling and drawing lessons at their ‘ Modelling and Statuary Warehouse ’ , 29 Bull Street , Birmingham .
15 Some men were calling out that we should force our way through , and the lines of the march were breaking formation and crowding the police .
16 Thousands of slaves , naked and in pain , were breaking rocks and moving the rubble in long columns towards the burning embers of a huge pyre .
17 In 1895 , when the ratemahatmaya of Katugampola Hatpattu in Kurunagala complained that Low Countrymen from Chilaw district were stealing cattle and removing them to their own district , the Low Country mudaliyar concerned replied that the charge was false , and that Kandyans were involved in the few cases of cattle stealing .
18 We were travelling steerage and had secured a place on a bench on a port deck .
19 He said : ‘ I went to the island of Kos with some mates and at the same time as I was being ill some of my mates were having headaches and feeling ill .
20 ‘ You were lucky , ’ she wrote to Molly once in answer to her sister 's repeated urgings that she should come over to Leeds where there were plenty of young Jewish men who were starting businesses and wanted wives to help them .
21 In a reported case the same year , Lorraine Agu and Malcolm Hirst were members of a group of animal rights supporters who were demonstrating slogans and distributing leaflets about animal rights on a spacious pedestrian precinct in Bradford .
22 Soon she was back again and they were drinking tea and eating saffron cake .
23 Chief trading standards officer Peter Mawdsley said : ‘ They were swapping films and selling them .
24 His team-mates — notably Guy Smith , Justin Keen and Jonathan Clues — were winning races and battling for the title .
25 He would have checked your equipment in advance , brought extension lead and table , checked the video on that particular TV and set it all up while you were shaking hands and making conversation rather than getting flustered .
26 Over Rancho Cienega Park , a few dozen black people were playing basketball or waiting to buy food from a catering truck in the car park .
27 It had a habit of jumping on the bed when they were making love and clawing him .
28 While most students not in receipt of a job offer were making applications and attending interviews at the time they completed the Initial destinations questionnaires , the fact that one third of students would be looking for employment at the end of the courses can only be regarded as a disappointing , and rather unexpected , finding .
29 They were carrying spades and measuring sticks .
30 They were flaking paint and had n't been refurbished since I was fourteen .
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