Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] so [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In chapter 8 , rules were formulated which dictated which way to run the proportions when dealing with the hypothesized effect of one variable upon another : proportions were calculated so that they summed to 1 within the categories of the explanatory variable .
2 The Seven Points to Remember were revised so that they mentioned the four types of diarrhoea ( previously described ) and stated that all four types should be treated with LGS .
3 And guilds were formed so that they could trade these garments around the country and eventually around Europe .
4 Individual elements in the building complex were designed so that they could be separately defended if the outer defences fell .
5 Farmers were evacuated so that their land could be made available for Japanese immigrants or industrial concerns ; labour conscription was widespread .
6 The whole room breathed an air of hygienic efficiency : the walls were emulsioned so that they could be repainted at little cost , and the tables stood on plastic tiles which could be quickly wiped and disinfected .
7 Because it was publicly owned , its activities were restricted so that it did not compete unfairly with the private sector .
8 I knew that if I did not act , things were set so that we would be annihilated with no time for questions or replies .
9 Both door and window were curtained so that it was not possible to see inside .
10 Kitchens that were tiled so that they only needed a wipe down the walls and a quick mop of the floor .
11 Some were constructed so that they would only move when a passing person activated a treadle of some sort so that the toy would suddenly spring into ‘ life ’ .
12 The passages were constructed so that they contained a target clause which in one version of a passage formed a sentence on its own and in another version was part of a longer sentence .
13 Jim Cameron , commander of Vigilant , called on the yacht to stop but received the reply that her gears were jammed so that they were unable to comply .
14 The kitchen was a huge stone cavern with an open fireplace , the size of a small room , beside which logs were piled so that she could see herself ( but certainly not Hugh ) barbecuing thick steaks on an iron grill , turning them over with tongs the size of a medieval weapon .
15 His sleeves were rolled back to reveal golden , muscular forearms , the first two buttons of his shirt were undone so that she could see the strong , tanned column of his throat , the hollow where his pulse beat , the start of the strong , hard planes of his chest .
16 The poem ends by asking if humans and the world were evolved so that they could be destroyed in war then why did the sun bother to give life to things in the first place as it all seems silly and pointless .
17 He said the intention was that beds in intensive care units were managed so that they were occupied 70 per cent of the time , leaving a 30 per cent capacity to take emergency cases , such as road accident victims .
18 Subsequently , the statement of claim was amended so that it was restricted to the tax assessment under s 488 , TA 1970 .
19 The architecture of triticale was altered so that it would grow shorter ; in this way more photosynthetic effort would go into seed production rather than stems .
20 A bedcradle was placed so that it relieved the weight of the bedclothes from her legs .
21 However , his new design was arranged so that it could be retained .
22 The Chinese also knew another archaic type of water-clock , a floating bowl with a hole in its base that was adjusted so that it took a specific time to sink .
23 But the experiment was poorly designed : there were no special safety measures , and the reactor 's emergency safety system was disconnected so that it would not spoil the experiment .
24 Firstly , we are offering a family the diagnosis of a lethal untreatable disorder in an apparently healthy baby ; secondly , the protocol was designed so that we could modify practice in the light of experience ; and , thirdly , families should have choice at every stage from the initial screening test to a confirmed diagnosis .
25 Accordingly , the programme was designed so that it could be modified in the light of experience , and families could choose to discontinue investigation at every stage from the initial screening test to the confirmed diagnosis .
26 An example of how they were ideologically disconnected is the photo archive , which at Forster 's instruction was reorganised so that it was no longer under names of artists , obviously the most useful approach for museum curators .
27 All this was made so that he might obscenely observe himself with his favourite women .
28 She had only a squatter 's title to the land , but after her death this was legally registered in her name by the local authority , and it was sold so that they could recover the money which she owed them . "
29 Religious congregations of monks and nuns also used home-written music for the Office , and the Panel of Monastic Musicians was founded so that they could share their efforts and talents .
30 When , in a major exercise , Rank Xerox switched a number of specialised staff to operating as teleworking freelance consultants ( involving setup costs of just £1,300 per head and achieving savings in office expenses of £17,500 per worker in the first year of operation ) , sending instructions by electronic mail was not enough : a ‘ gossip line ’ was introduced so that they could keep up on office news .
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