Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] for [det] time " in BNC.

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1 At least 3 specimens were examined for each time point .
2 The vials were changed every 10 minutes so that fractions of 4 ml were collected for each time interval .
3 His plans were thwarted for some time as no-one knew what had happened to the trophies .
4 Similarly other hard information is scant , for instance James Braid who laid out the ‘ links ’ as they were called for some time , is not mentioned until the sixth meeting on October 29th ; that is four months after the first nine holes were opened , and even then the reference is vague .
5 The rights and wrongs of it were debated for some time and the feeling seemed to be that the TCCB had come out of it in a worse light than Gatting ; as the Melbourne newspaper The Age put it , ‘ Gatting , caught rumour , bowled hypocrisy , 0 ’ .
6 He opened with ‘ Forever For Now ’ , the title of his latest album , and did later did ‘ It Had To Be You ’ from the soundtrack of ‘ When Harry Met Sally ’ , but good old weepies like ‘ Drifting ’ were kept for another time .
7 He took the view that her consent alone could not be retracted since it was given for all time as part of the contract of marriage .
8 It does not matter , she had thought , numbly , for whatever it was and whatever it has been , it was forbidden for all time .
9 Yeah , they should n't , they should n't cos his music was made for that time .
10 The October 1990 rate cut was anticipated for some time in advance by the gilt market which bought gilts and drove up gilt prices ( see Fig. 17.3 ) , as was the continued fall in base rates over the next two years .
11 It was an effort even to fetch coal from outside , and a herculean struggle was called for each time I opened the garage doors which faced the prevailing gales .
12 You conducted Elektra again in Salzburg in 1964 — I remember Szell , who also knew Strauss , giving you and your cast long and heartfelt applause at the end of the performance — and a Salome was announced for that time , too , which did n't in fact come about for a number of years .
13 No. 16 was sent there early in 1928 and was gone for some time .
14 And even if a structural , timber can be dated , there is always the possibility that it was stored for some time between being felled and being used , or even that it was re-used timber salvaged from an earlier building .
15 After closure of Woodhead as a through route , the Sheffield to Penistone section was retained for some time in order to allow upgrading of the route via Barnsley .
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