Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
2 As revealing is his observation that the rights of the workers in the separate producers ' societies were regarded as giving them their distinctive Co-operative character .
3 For this ‘ crime ’ , many of them were fined or had their goods confiscated , and others were imprisoned .
4 Several unions were held to be in contempt , were fined and had their assets sequestrated .
5 The Southeast Asian states themselves were reported as having their doubts about Bao Dai 's recognition and , eventually , the Thai Foreign Minister , Pote Sarasin , made it the issue on which he resigned .
6 The response of labour unions was also lukewarm since the changes were seen as limiting their scope for bestowing benefits on their members .
7 Once we were fed and watered it was back onto the dance floor to practise what we had learnt and add , would you believe , a small jump to our repertoire .
8 ‘ The odds were 7–2 that I would disappear with the money before we even started , even money that I 'd wait until the houses were built and leg it with the money , ’ recalls the London born-and-bred ‘ community builder ’ , with all the relish of a man who beat the bookies .
9 Some of its recommendations were accepted and found their way into the Legal Aid Act 1988 .
10 They were shot or had their throats cut , Alija Lujinovoc told a New York newspaper .
11 Thank you very much for that very comprehensive answering of all the queries and comments that were made and thank you to members for
12 Children aged 3 to 9 will take part in a series of games ; their responses to questions on these games will be analyzed to ascertain whether comparisons were made and affected their self-evaluations .
13 Important changes in the doctrine of precedent were also made in midgame : judges were persuaded or persuaded themselves that they were not in fact bound by court decisions their predecessors had taken as binding .
14 He had cut out the bits of his clothes that were stained and burnt them too , but there were still bloodstains all over the floor .
15 On talking to parents , we were told that had there been a suitable provision in their own country they would not be in Budapest .
16 A third kind of explanation for the relationship between income and age is that it is the result of a cohort effect : that is , older elderly people are poorer because they were born and spent their working lives during a different historical period from the ‘ young ’ elderly .
17 We were born to work the land , this land where we were born and raised our children ’
18 At or soon after puberty they leave the troops in which they were born and work their way into new ones .
19 Chief Insp Peter Harrison urged motorists to ensure their boots were locked when parking their cars .
20 Many of the rebels were arrested and shot which gave impetus to Irish Nationalism which , in turn , was much opposed by the Northern Counties of Ulster , who had Lord Carson as their leader .
21 Mr Sugden got to his feet when his bonds were cut and straightened his tie before he spoke .
22 Then Brown Owl called to the Brownies who were left and made them lie with their heads pointing towards the swampland , then with the last two Brownies she made an arrowhead , like this : —
23 But it 's how these three were killed that bothers me . ’
24 Four people were killed when mowing their lawn with an electric mower .
25 They were covered and got their money back .
26 During follow up , 1087 women were recorded as experiencing their first ever episode of symptomatic cholelithiasis ( International Classification of Diseases , 8th revision ( ICD-8 ) 574 ) or cholecystitis ( ICD-8 575 ) .
27 One hundred and forty asthmatics ( 134 men and six women ; age range 21–76 years , mean ( SEM ) 54 ( 1.1 ) years ) were studied while taking their usual combinations of theophylline , trbutaline , inhalants , and prednisone .
28 She took it into the sitting-room where the dictionaries were kept and did her best to translate : It is excellent news that the whole business has been done successfully .
29 Later in the year he visited the museum in Istanbul where the fragments were kept and demonstrated their exact fit .
30 He told students at Edinburgh University that no changes were planned but allowed himself a get-out clause by stressing that he would not be tied to any position until the Government 's conclusions on the industry had been agreed .
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