Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bundles of papers and box files were stacked on termite-proof metal shelves but their labels had faded .
2 Two stone steps and a low wide door in the far wall led up to a smaller kitchen , and beyond that was the gloomy pantry where trussed birds and enormous rounds of butter and cheese were stacked on cold stone slabs .
3 The cupboards were stacked with discarded baby clothing , receipts for adverts in London and suburban newspapers , anxious letters and telegrams from worried mothers , in fact virtually everything to give the thankful Detective Inspector a watertight case .
4 Later , shoe-shapes were traced on black card .
5 Bull and bear baiting have gone , but we are left with remnants of former use in such breeds as bulldogs , whose exaggerated lower jaws were developed through selective breeding , to hang onto the muzzles of bulls .
6 As more and more uses were found for computers in business and commerce , as well as in science and engineering , even easier languages were developed for lay use .
7 Comprehensive quality-assurance procedures for the onsite measurements were developed for this project .
8 For an answer we will need to look elsewhere : at the theories of conversational principles and speech acts , ideas which , as their names suggest , were developed with spoken language in mind , but are as applicable to written discourse as to spoken .
9 The plates were developed with high performance thin layer chromatography and read with a scanner densitometer ( Shimadzu CS 920 ) .
10 They were developed at that time as a useful product for the , for the menfolk .
11 For example , non-Christian religions were developed in more detail , and in many places a user was able to treat his own country or religion as the preferred category .
12 The trees were developed by Spanish engineer Antonio Ibanez , who claims to have interested an Italian multinational plus the French and more than one Arab government in his invention .
13 With the resurgence of the neo-classical architectural style in Victorian times most imposing buildings were erected with great attention to Greco-Roman columns and low , wide vaulted roofs .
14 Of course we were fascinated by revolting food , and liked inventing horror meals .
15 To see which variables were related to a subject recalling a junction , point biserial correlations were calculated with each junction being scored as a 1 for a subject that recalled it and 0 for a subject that did not .
16 Sensitivity , specificity , and accuracy were calculated for each finding for each age group .
17 Correlations between pairs of measures across the 40 junctions were calculated for each subject individually , the 30 correlations obtained in each case were then averaged using Fisher 's z transformation ( Silver and Dunlap 1987 ) .
18 Using the method recommended by Dunlap , Jones and Bittner ( 1983 ) correlations were calculated for each subject individually across the 24 films used in this study , correlations were then averaged for the 48 subjects using Fisher 's z transformation ( Silver & Dunlap 1987 ) .
19 In comparing mean daily prevalence rates of morbidity between vitamin A and placebo groups in the Health Study , separate daily prevalence rates were calculated for each child for each of the intervals between dosing points .
20 To examine further the association of age and anti-HEV , prevalence rates were calculated for each decade .
21 Mortalities from cancer ( cancer given as the underlying cause of death ) were calculated for each treatment and were adjusted for age by the direct method .
22 Crude relapse rates were calculated for each treatment using the method suggested by Kuirata , ( 100×number of relapses detected in 12 months , divided by the number recruited ) and were compared using a χ 2 test .
23 Odds ratios for HEV were calculated for each covariate separately with or Fisher 's tests .
24 Expected numbers were calculated for each group standardised for age , sex , and time period Observed numbers were treated as data from a Poisson distribution with mean equal to the number expected .
25 The correlation between risk ratings , accident estimates and the other 10 scales were calculated in each case .
26 Recurrence rates were calculated by lifetable analysis ( LTA ) and compared by the log rank test .
27 Age adjusted rates were calculated by direct standardisation with the total sample as the standard .
28 Age standardised incidence figures were calculated by direct standardisation , using as reference the world standard population .
29 On July 20 the former mayor of East Berlin , Eberhard Krack , and 12 associates were indicted for electoral fraud .
30 Last week the trolley ladies involved in the ‘ ciggie sale ’ were reprimanded by embarrassed hospital officials .
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