Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is time that your creative talents were developed alongside individuals who are of like mind and outlook , and you could not wish for a better planetary set-up to further your aims and ambitions : the past few years have taught you all you need to know about self-survival .
2 Their expressions were drained of personality which gave them the family resemblance possessed by a flock of sheep .
3 They were meant to coincide so that travellers would have a smooth connection , but they rarely did , and the tea-houses and cheap hotels of Half a were swollen with travellers who invariably had to wait for days .
4 The numbered vouchers were given to fans who attended Sunderland 's games against Ipswich , Plymouth and Middlesbrough .
5 In school , we were taught by teachers who were conscientious and honest people .
6 They were situated in positions which made them visible from the pests on each side .
7 There were 3 females and 6 males ; 5 had nodular sclerosis on histology and 4 mixed cellularity ; 7 presented with stage I-IIA and 2 with IIIB , and all were treated with irradiation which included the para-aortic region to a total dose of 40 Gy .
8 He persuaded the government to allow a group of students to be sent to the USA in 1872 , but they were recalled for fear they might become ‘ too gay ( morally loose ) or western ’ ( Wang 1928 : 44 ) , a comment which would not be out of place in more recent times .
9 At the time that the present series of transplant patients were referred for surgery our transplant centre was one of a fairly small number seeking suitable donor organs , not just in Britain but in continental Europe .
10 He made an arrangement which , he claimed , would make him far richer than generals and admirals who led armies and fleets , a Trust Deed by which his assets were assigned to Trustees who made all the payments to creditors on the lines of that set up for Emma Hamilton .
11 Most proposals were validated with conditions which reflected colleges ' inexperience of the new Advanced Courses system and , sometimes , an over-cautious approach to their system .
12 Think what a clutter there would be if your mind were filled with sights which were totally irrelevant to you !
13 During the summer of 1716 , a sensitive time since i August marked the anniversary of King George 's alleged usurpation of the throne , considerable unrest occurred in London where taverns associated with the Whigs were attacked by mobs which would break up the premises but leave enough of the stock undamaged to drink the health of ‘ James III ’ .
14 The Queen , wearing royal purple and carrying a posy of African violets , and the Queen Mother , wearing hyacinth blue , were surrounded by toddlers who edged forward from the crowd offering them flowers and Christmas cards as they emerged from church at the end of the 45-minute service .
15 Until very recently it was conspicuous that the secretariats and standards committees were dominated by Germans who fought to have German standards , which are often the strictest in the world , adopted as definitive EC standards .
16 Nevertheless , the deals were applauded by commentators who believed the Midland was entering a new era as an international bank .
17 In the United Kingdom it is not possible to get comparative estimates for individuals , but in England and Wales in 1984 , 23% of non-psychiatric beds were occupied by people who died before discharge ( G Bevan , unpublished observations ) .
18 At one time so many people from the area were hanged at Newgate it had been nicknamed Jack Ketch 's Warren , and according to Paddy it had been known for as many as forty constables to march down with cutlasses to control disturbances .
19 This time they were overburdened with luggage which was far too heavy for even the lenient Gulf Air to overlook .
20 These 2 badgers were rescued from baiters who were about to let their dogs kill the animals .
21 Editor , — In 1990 three cases of retinoblastoma were reported in children whose mothers had spent part of their childhood in Seascale and whose maternal grandfathers had worked at Sellafield nuclear plant .
22 At national level , the Training Authority could thus ensure that its contracts were let to suppliers who would work to tightly drawn specifications .
23 In war , skirmishes and battles were won by knights who had learned to fight together as a unit , not by displays of individual prowess .
24 The samples were added to tubes which had been chilled previously containing disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate ( EDTA ) ( 5 mM , final concentration ) for cyclic nucleotide assay , and EDTA and aprotinine ( 500 KIU/ml ) for atrial natriuretic peptide and glucagon assays .
25 In addition , when these compounds were added to platelets they provoked aggregation ( Hamberg & Samuelsson , 1974 ; Hamberg et al , 1974 ) .
26 In a drama about workhouse conditions in Victorian times with a class of second-year secondary girls ( 13+ ) , the ‘ status ’ structure was employed when the girls , in role as inmates , were interviewed by staff whose attitude at best was indifference ( p. 117 ) .
27 ‘ Long , and refreshingly frank , affidavits were addressed in evidence which revealed the faulty advice given to the minister .
28 Local residents were evacuated in case there needed to be a controlled explosion .
29 When the Vladikavkazskaia line stole the only shunting locomotive from Mozdok station , camels and bullocks were harnessed to trucks which had to be moved .
30 Where discovery methods were applied in schools which had been designed specifically for child-centred learning , the change was even more apparent .
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