Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [verb] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Which you 'll remember you were told to do so that there 's a space For your name .
2 They were meant to coincide so that travellers would have a smooth connection , but they rarely did , and the tea-houses and cheap hotels of Half a were swollen with travellers who invariably had to wait for days .
3 Charles Paris was heard to remark cynically that George , having seen that the star had got a deaf-aid , thought he ought to have one too .
4 Indeed Roxburgh was moved to say yesterday that the only certainty was that not all of his choices would make Sunday 's squad gathering .
5 Responding to the Handsworth events Douglas Hurd was moved to argue forcibly that such events were senseless and reflected more on those who participated in them than on the society in which they took place : ‘ The sound which law abiding people in Handsworth heard on Monday night , the echoes of which I picked up on Tuesday , was not a cry for help but a cry for loot ’ ( Financial Times , 13 September 1985 ) .
6 REPUBLIC of Ireland midfield star Roy Keane was set to announce today that he will be joining Blackburn in time for the start of the new Premier League season .
7 Accepting defeat I withdrew , but I was gratified to learn afterwards that although the bulk of unsuitable candidates remained , he had made certain alterations following my visit .
8 A little to the north of it , I was delighted to discover , is a monastery by the name of Belloc , as if in honour of the English Catholic writer and Pyrenean devotee , Hilaire Belloc ( I was gratified to find later that there is at least one other Belloc or Bellocq in the Pyrenees ) .
9 Many were also given lockable doors to preserve privacy , and curtains to prevent draughts ; indeed , some became so elaborate that during the 1630s the Bishop of Norwich , Richard Corbett , was led to remark wryly that they lacked ‘ nothing but beds to hear the word of God on ’ .
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