Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One writer described couples entering and leaving church in the 1870s as ‘ cool and businesslike , as though having paid the deposit on the purchase of a donkey or a handsome barrow , they were just going in with their witnesses to settle the bargain ’ .
2 ‘ I thought we were just going out for a couple of hours ! ’ she protested hotly .
3 Negotiations over the final contract were still going on as the first DinDisc releases appeared .
4 Talks were still going on between Knighton and his stockbrokers Laing & Cruickshank last night to prepare an offer document before tonight 's midnight deadline .
5 Meetings were still going on in Manchester in a last-minute attempt to avoid today 's scheduled hearing in the High Court .
6 What did he think you were still going out with him like or what ?
7 The daft thing was they were probably going back to where we 'd been working .
8 No , were actually going out at seven
9 But you know , I felt like saying , well , you know he could have been a bit more considerate and concerned when we were actually going out with each other !
10 So anyway that was one of the reasons , when I found that Brothers was slowly going out of business , when I saw last in , and I asked him if er I could have this thing ?
11 It was all gone in about one minute fifty seconds .
12 Now moving on a little bit further , I know the talk said that I was only going up to er to , but I 'm just going a little bit further .
13 He had arrived in the late afternoon of a perfect summer 's day , was shortly to go off to the Alps and then the Himalayas and had not touched rock for a couple of years , so the urge for activity was upon him .
14 No it was just going on about remember , remember that just after climaxing
15 Because it was an old house that they were renovating , and it had got so much rot in it and woodworm , and he said he said he said th there they were walking up one minute and the next minute the piano was just going down through the stairs .
16 She was just going out of the door .
17 I found in Northumberland , the worst bit was it was just going out in the cold to the shower .
18 So erm I was feeling a bit edgy about this when we were in the pub after the concert cos I thought maybe he 's reading things into it and I , you know , I was just going along for the music .
19 Now when you say right across , I mean you you 've ta seen the photos of , of er shell pitted ground with the nineteen fourteen eighteen war , well that 's how Bentley was then cos it had been rooted for coal and nineteen twenty six strike everybody got it all out cos there was a lot of top surface coal , course it was just left there was a lot of mole holes , stuff from the furnaces when they tip tipped the slag , it was up and down and there was Buttons Brook , was n't it Buttons Brook across there , called Buttons Brook there was a pool across there called Leg of Lamb but I mean it , it er you can imagine what I 'm trying to say , what the ground was like to go over in pitch black night , to go over there and we went out and course we was issued with er ammunition which was one of the o only times I can remember when we went really out prepared with live ammunition , and er we scouted and scouted till daybreak and we did n't find nothing .
20 He was always going on about how undignified and painful the examinations were .
21 She could not abide snuff-taking and was always going on about Florrie Axford 's nasty habits .
22 He was always going on about " Her Indoors " and none ever saw her .
23 When she was feeling down , Old Mother Walsh was always going on about how the snake was slithering in our direction .
24 ‘ Ruddock 's trouble was that he was always going on in the build-up to the fight about how he reckoned he used to knock me out in sparring when we were kids .
25 The stationery cupboard had not provided paper similar to that used for the note and when Richard Beales left a systematic search was still going on of shelves and desks where some might have been overlooked .
26 The Athenians did not , however , lose sight of the Persian War which , in accordance with the propaganda of 478 , was still going on throughout the 470s .
27 The superseding of medieval forms of agricultural exploitation had taken centuries ( and was still going on in some parts of Europe in 1880 ) , but the decisive changes were over ; the worker had been freed from indissoluble ties with the land , that land itself was increasingly treated as a commodity like any other , and it absorbed more and more capital to make higher and higher production possible .
28 The Persians had been driven from Greece not many years before the temple was begun , and the fight to free Greeks from them was still going on in the east .
29 He packs his girlfriend in then went with Jane , but he was still going out with a girlfriend if you know what I mean .
30 Not if I was still going out with Paul .
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