Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [vb pp] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , Palestinians were forced to remain within the occupied territories so that the majority were effectively barred from their jobs in Israel .
2 While the war continued I could ( almost ) fool myself into believing that I was like those other women who were merely separated from their men ‘ for the duration ’ — or , if not that , at least I felt that my life was suspended .
3 But because the law as an ass , overs were arbitrarily taken from their batsmen and games which should have gone their way were lost .
4 A SUFFOLK farmer trying to recover a hoard of Romano-British bronzes , which he claims were illicitly excavated from his land , has been told that the Office of Arts and Libraries can not help him , writes Geraldine Norman .
5 And yet , people were gradually torn from their moorings , grew used to lives in which they saw things their fathers had never done and even they had hardly expected to do .
6 She had looked like a spectre ; all the fight and vitality were gradually sucked from her .
7 The Bettiscombe skull , preserved in the house at that time , was said to be that of a negro slave , so devoted to John Frederick that it emitted the most ghastly screams if it were ever parted from him .
8 Then they were both knocked from their feet , as were many others , by the sudden impact .
9 Savings were also intended from what has been described as other productivity improvements .
10 That was the morning when the police and social workers came to take their children away ; the morning when seven other children were also removed from their homes in what many people saw as ‘ revenge ’ on the part of the local authority .
11 The ideas for all previous attempts were mainly taken from my library of magazine cuttings and books collected on this fish .
12 Like tonight , faced with the ordeal of going to a grand dinner party with people who all knew each other and were far removed from her experience , she had acquitted herself proudly and well .
13 I knew I had bad eating habits when I started secretly to buy sweets from several different shops and ensure the wrappers were well hidden from my boyfriend .
14 The Kingman Committee included traditionalists of an older generation such as Peter Levi , Professor of Poetry at Oxford , and Patrick Kavanagh , a poet whose conservative views were well known from his regular column in the Spectator .
15 AU heraldic insignia were shamingly torn from his coat , signifying that he was unfitted to be a knight .
16 The deadline for their acceptance of this Act was Bartholomew 's Day , August 24th 1662 , when 2,000 of the most godly pastors in the land refused to subscribe and were consequently ejected from their ministries .
17 These were then collected from their blood and purified .
18 Maggie felt the need to say something and , in any case , the words were almost torn from her .
19 Other supporters of Hun Sen 's liberalization drive , including Khieu Kanharith , editor of the weekly magazine Kampuchea , were subsequently dismissed from their posts and replaced with supporters of Chea Sim .
20 The eight were subsequently suspended from their duties and forbidden to leave the southern city of Sucre , the legal capital .
21 Lewes contends that , whereas these gynaecophobic tendencies were from the start challenged by women analysts , the same could not occur in relation to the homophobia of the discipline since homosexuals were systematically excluded from it , with the result that ‘ the psychoanalytic discourse on homosexuality has been and still is formulated by non-homosexuals about homosexuals ’ ( The Psychoanalytic Theory of Male Homosexuality , 21 , 237 — 8 ) .
22 A cantankerous sojourn in Aberdeen ended when he was forcibly evicted from his lodgings .
23 The discredited Balliol was eventually released from his comfortable English captivity after an appeal from the Pope , and passed the rest of his days on his ancestral estate at Bailleul in France .
24 ( ii ) Infants — when the age of majority was reduced from 21 to 18 years for most purposes , qualification for sitting in the House of Commons was expressly excluded from its ambit ( Family Law Reform Act 1969 , s.1(4). s.2 , para.2 ) .
25 The ground would either be that he was expressly absolved from his duty , or the wider ground of Elliott 's , that further treatment was useless .
26 All of the Proconsul species appear to share a form of arboreal quadrupedalism that was little changed from their catarrhine ancestors .
27 The eroded top of the Upper Cretaceous was covered by thick Tertiary ( Eocene ) basalts , and the Chalk was thereby metamorphosed from its usual porous form into non-porous crypto-crystalline limestone .
28 Jeremy was swiftly ejected from his first job , at the Rotherham Advertiser and for a time he made Paddington Bears for a living .
29 On one hand this angry commentary about what these women protesters had done to outrage all the people involved in Miss World , and on the other hand , my dad sort of crashed out in a chair because he was so exhausted from his work .
30 Then followed a story about the ineptitude of a young policeman in handling a domestic dispute , who was only rescued from his incompetence by a wise reserve man .
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