Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Thirteenth-century reformers expended much energy and ingenuity trying to ensure that parishes were properly served and that the souls of parishioners were not exposed to perdition by the negligence and greed of pluralist incumbents .
2 Physicians reported that 1457 patients ( 75.8% ) were highly motivated and that a further 356 ( 18.5% ) were well motivated despite initial reservations at enrolment .
3 That Parliament relied on the Ministerial statements is shown by the fact that the matter was never raised again after the discussions in Committee , that amendments were consequentially withdrawn and that no relevant amendment was made which could affect the correctness of the minister 's statement .
4 In many of Tamm 's populations it can be shown ( Harper , 1967 ) that the plants originally present were progressively lost and that the rate of loss was remarkably constant .
5 The survey found that the vast majority of plants on sale were artificially propagated but that there was also a large-scale trade in wild plants .
6 She feels a barrier has gone up between them , that her comments to the girls were perfectly justified and that the whole thing has been thrown back in her face .
7 Finally the chapter has described the achieved action and control samples and has shown that they were well matched and that the response rate was good .
8 Contrary to the truth , he believed that the parties were equally matched and that Otto , after Richard I 's death , was firmly in the saddle .
9 This would demonstrate that the scars of Suez were fully healed and that the British decision to act against Nasser had been right all along .
10 In July Amnesty International called on the Uzbek authorities to ensure that the incidents were fully investigated and that every effort was made to identify the persons responsible and bring them to justice .
11 Unfortunately , the forwards were comprehensively outscrummaged and that left the whole team at a severe disadvantage .
12 Israeli scholars now agree that these radio appeals were never broadcast and that the allegations were fraudulent .
13 Quite recently many corporations have discovered that they were considerably over-insured and that by re-structuring their insurance and taking over some of the risks their costs could be reduced .
14 ( 4 ) That the relationship of banker and customer which existed between Mr. Williams and the wife was properly observed and that Mr. Williams did not step outside this relationship .
15 In this way a defence that the property was already damaged and that the defendant is not responsible for the present damage can be countered .
16 He observed that his daughter was heavily sedated and that her breathing was extremely laboured .
17 She knew someone 's shaking hands were on Damian 's tie , pulling it loose , pushing his dark blue jacket to the floor , but they could n't be her hands — she would n't do such a thing ; and as their hoarse breathing mingled further she realised his shirt was completely unbuttoned and that she was staring at his bare chest and it was exactly as she had known it would be .
18 This means that , although it was originally intended to publish a longer work , it was never completed and that the three volumes out of the planned six , or some other combination , are all that will ever be available , unless some other author is eventually commissioned to complete the job .
19 He called it vitamin 51B , which was unfortunate because proof of its vitamin status was never found and that raised the hackles of the regulatory authorities in the US .
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