Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The system was therefore a microscopic fibre-reinforced composite and the methods given above were successfully applied to it .
2 Roots and branches speak of plant-life and of the gods which anthropology stressed were totemically associated with it .
3 They were so run down that passenger trains were rarely entrusted to them if anything else could be found , and they were to be seen hauling coal trains as on this occasion when No. 46156 ‘ The South Wales Borderers ’ passed Holmewood heading south in 1964 .
4 The finer points of the differences between being a Christian and a Muslim were rarely discussed between us .
5 But even the papal chancery , which alone had a system for preserving important letters , had no regular means of communicating decisions to those who were most affected by them .
6 When she first decided to pursue her career , our parents were most set against it .
7 All her senses were highly tuned to him .
8 The Action Committee office bearers were confident that the characters of those adults accused , and those of their children , as well as the sort of events that could and did occur in their community , were better known to them than to Orkney 's Social Work Department .
9 Since the start of the Troubles , a number of loyalist trade unionists had tried to create a province-wide organization of unionist workers and by late 1973 the plans of men such as Billy Kelly , a power workers ' shop steward , Billy Hull , ex-Northern Ireland Labour Party , and Hugh Petrie , a precision engineer from Shorts , were sufficiently advanced for them to propose to the loyalist politicians that the province could be brought to a halt by a strike .
10 Dr. Zúñiga was warned that the police might seek reprisals against him , but although he informed the authorities of this , novo specific measures of protection were apparently offered to him .
11 Coleridge 's outstanding abilities remained quite unsuspected at Christ 's Hospital until they came to the attention of the Upper Grammar School master , the Revd James Boyer , a man whose great gifts as a teacher were only exceeded by his sadistically violent temper .
12 For him it held a special appeal ; the one day of the week he could break bread with his family and not have to feel that they were only loaned to him for the while — his son Joshua had no business to go to , his grandson Jacob no college lectures .
13 The correspondents expressed deep gratitude to Hannah — they were so inspired by her sublimely tranquil and uncomplaining acceptance of the kind of material deprivation considered unacceptable by modern society , so moved by her angelic demeanour and indomitable spirit , that they had been obliged to consider their own situation and concluded that their individual complaints about life were so paltry by comparison that their entire perspective had been changed .
14 Apparently , the free spending Italian club AC Milan were so taken with him that they offered Celtic a fee of £100,000 for his services , only to recoil in fear when the club 's manager Jock Stein told him they could only rent him for one game for that amount .
15 Andrewes loved ceremonial and used incense in his private chapel , which , said Isaacson , was ‘ so decently and reverently adorned that some were so taken with it , that they desired to end their days in the Bishop of Ely 's chapel ’ .
16 That was not in itself a new idea , but its content and significance were greatly enlarged by him .
17 His great technical knowledge and ability were combined with thoroughness ; all important engineering drawings were personally approved by him and all new features were tested on prototypes before being put into quantity production .
18 is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those securities but which would if it were generally known to them be likely to materially affect the price of those securities .
19 ‘ Unpublished price sensitive information ’ is information which relates to specific matters relating to or of concern ( directly or indirectly ) to that company , that is to say it is not of a general nature relating to or of concern to that company and is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those securities but which if it were generally known to them would be likely to affect the price of those securities .
20 Although they founded the major revolutionary parties of the twentieth century , they were soon outnumbered within them .
21 When the field-glasses were finally passed to her she was able to confirm that every roof and every wall of the monastery church and of the little community they had left only that morning had been thrown down by the violent commotion .
22 They were just wrapped around him .
23 When she reached the breakfast table , Silas , Matt and Doreen were already seated at it .
24 The big , the big advantage Chair , and one of the reasons that it appeals to us to , to go along with Age Concern on this is that , as you know , the area of activity in terms of day centre provision in which they are very active , is one whereby on the current grant mechanisms for community care , and our need to spend eighty five percent in the voluntary and independent sector , whilst they were directly employed by us , we could n't divert a substantial amount of that money in their direction if they wished to develop services .
25 Dried specimens of any sort were always kept by him and roots of many more .
26 His suits always went to the cleaner 's on time , and his meals were always cooked for him .
27 Mr Ashford said the exams harked back to those of the 1950s when memory was all that mattered and certain sections of right-wing politicians were totally committed to them .
28 Our metabolic differences were once explained to us by a Dyak companion in Borneo as due to the fact that I belong to the tribe of gibbons , whereas Lorne belongs more to that of the orangutan .
29 ‘ Songs were specially composed for her by such distinguished musicians as WSGwynn Williams and Meirion Williams , and she was often referred to as ‘ the second Katherine Ferrier ’ , ’ he said .
30 She had looked like a spectre ; all the fight and vitality were gradually sucked from her .
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