Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [det] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 the position of women , I mean , they they were obviously all kicking against it , and
2 The troops comprising this army were largely those brought by rail from the area of the eastern fortresses , and their designated task was the defence of Paris .
3 THREE Glasgow men who brought hashish worth £264,000 at street prices into Spain from Morocco were yesterday each jailed in Madrid for four years .
4 When the lights went on five minutes later , we were still all lying on the floor .
5 The streets of Al Ain and the highway were still half covered in drifts of sand .
6 The fact that they were both half covered with the slimy grey Melanism-fluid did not have to matter .
7 These islands were probably each surrounded by shallow marine carbonates which may also be preserved in the grabens ( Fig. 3 ) .
8 The fastest prerecorded cylinders were probably those produced by the French Pathé company ; some of these are known to turn at over 200rpm .
9 Her most valuable contributions , however , were probably those relating to the Mediterranean region ; they included Geographical Aspects of Balkan Problems ( 1915 ) and Southern Europe ( 1932 ) , her last major publication .
10 This of course was a common point of view but none the less irritating because we were nearly all conscripted at this stage of the war and would have preferred to have been left alone to get on with our nice , comfortable civilian lives in peace .
11 Some of them were to become famous , like Brancusi , Gleizes , le Fauconnier , but most are now completely forgotten , such as Drouard , Doucet , Centore , Coustillier , Guiraud-Riviere and so on because they were nearly all killed in World War I. In my book I show some of their works because they were Modigliani 's everyday companions .
12 They were nearly all altered in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , then restored to their Medieval appearance in the nineteenth or twentieth .
13 Experience seemed to justify this view , for the period saw many indecisive encounters of this kind ; while the naval battles which produced some decisive result — Cape Passaro ( 1718 ) ; Hawke 's victory over the French Admiral Du Bois de la Motte ( 1744 ) ; Lagos and Quiberon Bay ( 1759 ) ; Rodney 's ‘ midnight chase ’ of the Spanish Admiral Langara in 1780 — were nearly all marked by a preponderance of strength on one side .
14 Cloth-finishing processes tended to be concentrated in towns and urbanised villages ; Wiltshire fulling mills were nearly all controlled by the clothiers .
15 They were now all waving in the direction indicated by Rafiq .
16 Under the classification of stocks which existed prior to January 1991 , fixed interest securities were virtually all classified as gamma or delta stocks .
17 They were indeed all united by a common sense of manual labour and exploitation , and increasingly by the common fate of wage-earning .
18 The ten years that had witnessed this transformation were precisely those occupied by Morrison as secretary of the newly-formed London Labour Party ( LLP ) .
19 My letters perhaps improve $these were chiefly those sent to Helen , Harry Hooton and Ian MacAlister ] , and perhaps indicate the line of my future efforts .
20 As we have already seen , a boy might not have got beyond typesetting at an equivalent stage either , nor did he automatically get much further anyway ; but the girls were almost all set to handsetting for the firm once they were competent at it .
21 The earlier materials were almost all produced for television broadcast as well as classroom use .
22 Turbin lights and they were for use of coastal command of the RAF first searchlighting for submarines , looking for submarines , the er the Harvards were very much trained as some of them came in from the Navy they were used for training landing of pilots on aircraft carriers , and they had hooks underneath you know the er they were a very good trainer they were still used today , but when we used to go and see films at the pictures they used to use them a lot as Japanese aircraft because they looked alike , and they used to use them as zeros in the American films these Harvard trainers , er and but like as I said they had a experimental department at Helliwells and they used to try out various things to see if they could improve on the structure or the instrumentation things like that
23 According to a State Education Commission investigation , various work units across the country had refused 5,500 graduates in 1987 , indicating that there were too many coming from the universities .
24 There was remarkably little to do in the hospital if you did n't want to read Agatha Christie or knit half-mile scarves .
25 At first it had not mattered that the rain prevented him from going outdoors ; there was so much to talk about between himself and Uncle Walter ; they had not seen each other for twelve years .
26 Mum always made a long list of groceries she needed but some days she bought even more things because there was so much to choose from .
27 erm And erm when he came back after the war , he actually was so much involved on the parliamentarian side he had to leave Oxford during the war , but when he came back he built a school in the city which was actually in the Guildhall courtyard , it was built round the courtyard , and that remained a free school , for the city 's boys right up to the end of the 19th century .
28 It was such a lovely day , and there was so much to do on the complex , but Shelley could n't summon the enthusiasm to leave the villa .
29 There was so much to do with the six pools , giant flumes , waterfalls , fountains and lots more .
30 The days were getting shorter and colder , and with Christmas approaching there was so much to do in the kitchen Sarah rarely had a spare minute .
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