Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 They did n't do many subjects together and were only in the same group for French and history .
2 The driver 's morals were obviously of the same low standard as his/her driving , as no apology or name and address was left .
3 Hard solders , on the other hand , were usually of the same metal as the object they were used on , but alloyed with a few per cent of another metal in order to reduce the melting point .
4 In contrast , Bangladeshi babies sleeping during the day were always in the same room as other family members , in a relatively noisy , busy environment .
5 These differences were always in the same direction — more pronounced hormonal responses and more reporting of symptoms with porcine insulin .
6 The close identity between fans and their club has weakened as football has become big business and as the players , who were once from the same working-class community as the fans , have become rich superstars .
7 Many of the Kemsley provincial papers were still in the same group in 1987 as in 1947 , but now under a different owner .
8 Although you were still in the same quarter .
9 Mark and Clare were still in the same position .
10 The smooths bore little resemblance to the early skins , although they were clearly of the same descent .
11 In fact , she was fond of saying that FAMILY and the women 's liberation movement were both on the same side if they did but know it .
12 It is believed one of the major problems facing the clubs ' proposals then was the fact that they were both in the same league .
13 Here again , it was easy for the grandchildren to call in frequently : the two houses were both in the same ‘ raw — this ‘ raw ’ was a row of houses .
14 The boys were also from the same home .
15 Magic and medicine were often in the same melting pot .
16 The Doctor had assured them that they were now on the same level as they had started on , but Francis was n't convinced .
17 In patients with MEN 1 associated Zollinger-Ellison sydrome , howeve , diffuse and linear cell hyperplasia were roughly of the same order ( 53% and 47% , respectively ) .
18 Once we were there at the same time .
19 After an even start Oxford led by quarter of a length at the mile but Cambridge were ahead by the same distance at Hammersmith Bridge .
20 There were gruff mutterings of ‘ excellent story ’ or ‘ very good ’ from the two men , who were never in the same league and knew it .
21 She felt almost sorry for Professor M. L. Vaughan , who was obviously in the same rank as her self-confident great-uncle , and differed from him on almost every point .
22 There was no extemporisation ; it was always in the same format .
23 Support for the Greens may have shrunk but it was still at the same level as the Liberal Democrats ’ , the third party in Parliament , so perhaps Ms Cooke was unduly downcast .
24 Dot Opened her eyes to glance sideways at Mrs Hollidaye but she was still in the same position , kneeling , so Dot lowered her lids and , though she had n't meant to she found herself thinking about Gloria , still asleep in that high bed with the soft eiderdown .
25 Ian Craig , the head of science and technology , said : ‘ It is educationally valuable to take boys to France or to the science museum , but the unique thing about this was that it was both at the same time , and that was more than twice as valuable . ’
26 According to the US consul in Saigon , three and a half of these four statements were completely false but , in fact , not only may Under-Secretary of State Dean Acheson have offered the ‘ good offices ’ of the US ( as they were to be offered in Indonesia ) but there was also at the same time in effect a plea from Moffat , then in Singapore , that for various reasons the US should intervene .
27 And then the next biggest then well Howar would 've been somewhere about sixty acre and Kilbest was roughly about the same I think .
28 Everybody was here for the same thing to be done to them .
29 It was precisely at the same time as these processes , policies and institutions were being consolidated that the embryonic imperial regime found territorial expression for its increasing power in the colonial administration and economic exploitation of Siberia .
30 Sitting on the tall range , its small legs sticking out over the bright brass rail which acted both as a safety barrier round the hotplates and as a place to hang grubby kitchen towels , the small attendant 's face was almost at the same level as the human 's .
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