Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 A light came on whenever a subject paused for longer than 600 milliseconds , although subjects were merely told that the light indicated when their story-telling was poor .
2 Looking back on that period , Mr Li lamented , ‘ Some sectors of the economy were so decentralised that the state 's ability to exercise macro-control was weakened . ’
3 Alternate benches were so made that the back could be swung over so that by a simple movement you had two benches facing each other instead of one behind the other and back-to-back with the adjoining classes , the teacher sitting on a chair between the ends of the benches .
4 The tinc benz and zinc oxide plaster treatment is the cornerstone of blister therapy ; however , the sergeant 's feet were so damaged that a layer of ‘ moleskin' had to be applied .
5 Delegates were generally agreed that the ideal solution was to remove migrants ' reasons for wanting to leave .
6 Hopeless romantics , Sox fans come back each Spring for more , but by the time of this Orioles game last year were already conceding that the 1991 team was not one on which to pin their perennial dreams .
7 This broadcast was immediately preceded by a report where predictions were already showing that the Conservatives were very likely to gain an overall majority .
8 Rose 's family was told that the operation was a matter of life-and-death , so they gave the surgeons permission , even though they were also warned that the operation could result in further bleeding and disability .
9 Radical deputies pointed to Yanayev 's credentials as a bureaucrat and denounced him as an " old-style leader " , and regrets were also expressed that a non-Russian had not been nominated .
10 We were also told that the fire was started in June , and was not expected to be extinguished until the start of the rains , normally in October .
11 The court said that there was no general rule that a valuation made on an " erroneous principle " ( which presumably means the same as a mistaken decision ) had to stand unless it were also shown that a valuation on the right principle would produce a materially different figure from the figure of the erroneous valuation : if there were such a rule , it would place on the objector the extra burden of making a fresh valuation which in its turn might also be rejected .
12 Finally an announcement was made that there was trouble with the rear power car ; we were later told that the train would be terminated at Wolverhampton and a bus laid on to take us to Shrewsbury .
13 Then , economists were openly predicting that the recovery would be more in line with previous post-recessionary periods , but that optimistic bubble has now burst and most experts are admitting that the recovery will be painfully slow .
14 Rank Hovis were now realising that the cup could be going out of their cabinet and straight into Rentokil 's , they decided to keep us playing and on came the warehouse lads , and Rentokil promptly achieved a 6-O victory .
15 Instead , they were now proposing that the poem should appear , ‘ with some pieces of William 's ’ , in a volume of its own .
16 In yet another school we observed science lessons using a topic approach in the library and were reliably informed that the proposed project purchase in this subject was precisely for this kind of use .
17 University members of boards in particular were regularly to agree that the process was more rigorous than those in their own universities .
18 Nevertheless the Foreign Office in London and British diplomats in Washington , unlike those directly involved in the running of the empire , were increasingly persuaded that the Americans might prove less impatient and dogmatic than their rhetoric suggested .
19 If the greatest and richest in the land were exempted from the indignity of assessment , so many of the poorest were simply overlooked that every list ended up short of about one-third of the men it should have included , and since almost all of these were worth less than £2 the general level of wealth is made to look higher than it really was .
20 I like I 'm sure others , once the issues were published for the E I P , took advice from the Home Secretary and were simply advised that the location that that we should give evidence on locational matters to the E I P and that is what we have done .
21 It was successfully argued that the phrase " is or " could only relate to a customer when the soliciting is taking place .
22 Some of the drafters of the constitution wanted specific guarantees of press freedom , but it was eventually decided that the press should enjoy the same freedom of any Nigerian citizen , there being no need for special treatment .
23 At first reluctant to agree to any changes , she was eventually persuaded that the riders would benefit .
24 It was eventually agreed that the company would be allowed an overdraft facility of £135,000 , reducing to £120,000 after three weeks .
25 It was eventually agreed that the issue of Li Un Hye would be dealt with separately from the normalization talks .
26 She soon became absorbed , oblivious to the passage of time , and was startled when she was politely informed that the doors would shortly be closed for the midday break .
27 Moscow was thereby reassured that the situation in Cuba was under control .
28 Following the decision to commit US ground-based forces , estimates as to the numbers which might ultimately be deployed rose quickly and , on Aug. 10 , it was widely leaked that the administration had adopted a " contingency plan " involving the use of 250,000 ground troops should full-scale fighting break out with Iraq .
29 This time it was widely recognised that a change in policy was necessary if it was to be achieved .
30 ‘ It was widely recognised that the magic of the goddess dwelt more in the reality of her flesh than in her garments , ’ says the Encyclopedia Of Women 's Myths And Secrets , ‘ since creation was a function of the female body .
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