Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were rather diverse trends in the three blocs .
2 There were dead wet leaves in the graveyard , and the wind blew rain into our faces .
3 Although nothing became of this beyond an agreement that there were widely different views on the matter , that same year the Government of Australia proposed that the so called cull grenade should be banned .
4 Investiture was the symbolic part of a struggle behind which there were fundamentally different views about the whole ordering of society and about who was the divinely appointed agent for that purpose .
5 The pace of change differed from country to country : Poland , Romania and Bulgaria were effectively Soviet puppets by 1946 , but Hungary was only brought under Moscow 's control in mid-1947 and a coalition government survived in Czechoslovakia until February 1948 .
6 It was comparatively easy for them to follow courses on particular aircraft types or their engines ( which were mostly civil versions of military aircraft engines anyway ) to ensure that the engineering side of AIB was also keeping up with the times .
7 These were mostly internal consultations of the original documents within the faculty .
8 There were quite a lot of enthusiastic er audience but er they were mostly grey beards like me .
9 Men of this standing were mostly considerable landowners in the first place .
10 Saxe-Weimar 's men were mostly German troops in Dutch service who had fought for Napoleon in the previous wars , and not even Saxe-Weimar himself was certain whether they would now fight against their old comrades .
11 Whatever paintings or works of art it possessed were mostly unexceptional portraits of Presidents or notable New Yorkers by Gilbert Stuart , Ezra Ames or John Trumbull .
12 The ‘ Persons of Rank and of distinguished Taste and Judgement ’ who took an interest in Leapor 's writing and promoted the subscription , were most likely members of the Blencowe family .
13 were most likely obedience to an employer or destitution .
14 The fact that obligations of kinship and personal lordship , and the justice of the feud , were extremely effective methods of control in the localities of early modem Scotland naturally carried little conviction for societies who prided themselves on having advanced beyond these things ; and since a long historiographical tradition has much preferred kings who reduced the powers of their aristocracies , and signed their account books , the Scottish monarchy , whose power rested on quite different things , has not attracted much praise .
15 These visits were extremely fruitful sources of confessions to hitherto unsolved crimes which subsequently were classified NPA , and hence cleared up .
16 In 1775 , for instance , there were extremely elaborate entries into each other 's capitals by the Russian and Turkish ambassadors charged with the ratification of the peace-treaty between the two states signed in the previous year .
17 The principle difference was that characteristics relating to academic background particularly A-level results were not important predictors of non-completion among females at all , but were extremely important predictors of non-completion among males .
18 Last night , a spokesman for Lothian Racial Equality Council , said Mr McNeil 's comments about malnutrition and genetics were extremely disturbing coming from a senior official in his position .
19 The last of them , before becoming extinct between the Permian and Triassic periods , were extremely large members of the labyrinthodont group .
20 There were highly significant increases in CD3 + and gd + lymphocytes within both the lamina propria and the epithelium while neitrophils ( CD15 + cells ) were not at all prominent .
21 The land there is now nearly exhausted , and I would suggest that building rates in future years are in fact likely to decrease from what were abnormally high figures in the in the past ten year period .
22 Maybe they were pests to humans , but humans were much bigger pests to them ; now there are no thylacines left and a considerable surplus of humans .
23 Sir Philip argued forcefully that there were much stronger reasons for banning fascists than communists and that political anti-semitism should be outlawed .
24 It is argued that in his later life Marx was heavily influenced by Engels and his writings were much less determinist as a consequence .
25 But also at Viktring were much larger numbers of other groups of anti-Tito Yugoslavs , the Slovene Domobranci and the Serbian Volunteers .
26 There were enough new coaches at last to enable the steam-heat-only Mark 1 vehicles to be discarded , and enact new operating practices with newly converted electric heat , air-braked diesel locomotives .
27 And for him , it was an easy determination that , yes , it was , because there were enough daily shows of evidence by the Vietnamese people , young and old , children , others , of their satisfaction that he was there .
28 At this time , it was believed that female genitalia were merely internal versions of the male , with the clitoris being a tiny penis , and it was the greater heat of the male that had expelled his organs .
29 The catch cries of ‘ I belong to Paul ’ , ‘ I belong to Peter ’ , ‘ I belong to Apollos ’ and perhaps ‘ I belong to Christ ’ ( 1:12 ) were merely subtle forms of self-advertisement .
30 The unity of type suggested that all the vertebrates were merely superficial modifications of a single ground plan — the same basic animal form has been modified in a host of superficial ways .
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