Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [coord] he could " in BNC.

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1 He tried to strip off the tape , but it was too tough and his fingers were numb and he could n't find where it began .
2 He raged at the futility of it , and shouted for help as his blade hissed and crunched , but his arms were tiring and he could feel blood running down inside his tunic .
3 But the evil was strong and he could not stop it .
4 Pardy was right and he could n't prove handwriting , because the letter had been formed of scraps of newsprint in the classic way .
5 The playground was empty but he could hear the sing-song voices of children reciting tables as he paused by the railings .
6 ‘ Mr Jackson said he was struggling because his wife was ill and he could n't get to London to buy stuff .
7 The evening the accident happened was fine and he could have walked .
8 Mr Smeddon , 35 , a driver , said he would continue not to pay the tax because it was unfair and he could not afford it .
9 The time was after eleven and he was tired but he could never sleep without reading for a few minutes at least .
10 It was ajar and he could see the young woman busying herself with chores before reopening the shop for the afternoon trade .
11 The show was flexible and he could slot his best troupes in and out , thus ensuring a regular wage for them and constantly rehearsed lines for him , all ready at a moment 's notice to go to South Africa , the continent or the best halls in London .
12 His appetite these days was small and he could tell by his clothes that he had lost weight .
13 The voice was familiar but he could n't place it .
14 She was familiar but he could n't quite place her .
15 The door of the Captain 's cabin was open and he could see the bearded hijacker sitting inside .
16 He was n't really interested in the small talk , but the whiskey was soothing and he could relax till Fraser came in .
17 The provision should be construed liberally in favour of the rent payer since the deduction was mandatory and he could be assessed on the tax with interest and penalties if the deduction was not made .
18 He told the startled operator his ‘ wife ’ was dead and he could no longer cope .
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