Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] for [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( Although half the members of the upper house were due for re-election in mid-1992 , elections in the lower house were not due for another two years . )
2 They sell 100,000 shirts a year but , unfortunately , the two examples sent to the Echo were unsuitable for use in a family newspaper .
3 Gary Corbett and Geoff Lloyd , the directors of non-league Altrincham who were hoping to buy Chester , were unavailable for comment on the latest developments last night .
4 To take another example : Hong Kong 's banks were rotten for lack of regulation five years ago , when a series of collapses frightened the government into spending billions of dollars of public money on rescues .
5 Much of the Roman Wall was spirited away by local farmers ; the old stones were ideal for building into house and byre .
6 As long as were fit for duty on Tuesday we 'll be alright .
7 Four of the patients who had low grade dysplasia previously were negative for dysplasia at colectomy .
8 In the Hadziyannis 's series , however , the vast majority of patients were negative for HBeAg in serum or HBcAg in the liver , and there was no quantitative data of pre-S peptide expression in the liver .
9 Ministers of Information under de Gaulle and Pompidou , and Ministers of Information , or of Culture and/or Communication , under Giscard d'Estaing were responsible for policy towards — and for arbitrating between — these ‘ established ’ or ‘ mass ’ media .
10 Both patients were homozygous for methionine at codon 129 .
11 Interestingly , both patients reported on were homozygous for methionine at codon 129 .
12 Whereas our two first patients were homozygous for methionine at codon 129 of the prion protein gene , the last patient seemed to be heterozygous , encoding a methionine and a valine from each allele .
13 Thus , given that there might come a time when forces were available for deployment in the Middle East , it made sense for American diplomats to encourage what friends and allies they could to hold the line in the interval .
14 When capital allowances were available for expenditure on plant and equipment and industrial buildings , the cost of a lease was often less than the cost of financing debt to acquire the asset , because the lessor was able to utilize the tax benefits more effectively than the lessor .
15 The CDAI and Simple Index calculations were available for analysis on 51 and 50 studies ( 33 patients ) respectively .
16 After excluding children for whom data on the continuous variables were missing 5573 ( 63.3% ) were available for analysis of respiratory illness by birth weight and duration of pregnancy .
17 Results from 27 controls ( C ) , 17 irradiated controls ( U ) , and 19 ulcer group ( L ) mice were available for analysis from the first ( day 7 ) series and 15 C , 14 U , and 15 L animals from the second ( day 3 ) series .
18 In order to decide whether to grant an injunction , the House of Lords had to decide whether damages were available for breach of Article 86 and whether that would , in the event of an injunction not being granted , be a satisfactory remedy .
19 In our previous immunohistochemical study , the mucosal IgG subclass proportions of 10 ulcerative colitis patients were compared with those of eight Crohn 's colitis patients , but no normal counts were available for comparison at that time .
20 Both Caliban and Vertigo were available for sale to those who did not have Bermudan status ( i.e. to expatriates ) with the consent of the Governor , but in practice the Governor did not permit an expatriate to purchase more than one property .
21 And Third World countries were desperate for money to fuel development .
22 Most of the firms affected were open for business on Monday morning ; all had moved into temporary accommodation by mid-week .
23 Until 1892 generally only those paying rates on property with a rateable value of £40 p.a. or more were eligible for election as Guardians .
24 Patients with complete gall stone dissolution , confirmed by two oral cholecystectographies three months apart during continued oral bile acid treatment , were eligible for inclusion into the study .
25 In 1988 , 5078 pupils aged 11 and 12 and in their first year of secondary school were eligible for inclusion in the study .
26 Infants and children from the age of 7 days to 36 months who presented to the paediatric casualty unit of the hospital with a history of cough and other symptoms of acute infection of the respiratory tract for less than seven days were eligible for inclusion in this study .
27 Patients were eligible for participation in the study if two cervical smears indicated mild or moderate dysplasia or one smear indicated severe dysplasia or carcinoma in situ .
28 From 1 September 1988 to 1 May 1991 , 194 consecutive patients were eligible for participation in the study and were invited to the outpatient clinic for an extra visit to answer a structured questionnaire and to have a cervical scrape taken for analysis for human papillomavirus .
29 Another feature of interest is that Maginn 's draft constitution provides that only deaf people were eligible for membership of the proposed Association .
30 Patients who had inoperable , measurable , histologically confirmed metastatic or locally recurrent adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum were eligible for entry into the study .
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