Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Many , he said , were convinced that they had had no managerial experience , yet they had successfully brought up children , run a home , and far more .
2 After sitting in the stalls and watching the summer show , the other two were convinced that they had good reason enough to want him .
3 We were convinced that we had located , by accident , the last resting place of HMS Impregnable .
4 Cabinet members were tight-lipped and unsmiling as they emerged from Downing Street , but MPs were convinced that it had been a stormy session , with ministers bitterly fighting their corners in what has been described as the most stringent public spending round for years .
5 Among them were those who were convinced that he had secretly been in league with the employers .
6 And nearly all of them were conscious that they had not told Inspector Rose the whole truth .
7 They were thrilled that she had the chance to come to Britain .
8 With this drizzly weather we were stuck in Porto , and were glad that we had n't tried to cycle into town as the taxi sped through steep cobbled streets .
9 Supreme Soviet deputies were angry that they had known less about the test than the Greenpeace international environmental group , whose members had been thwarted in an attempt to disrupt the test when coast guards had intercepted their vessel off Novaya Zemlya on Oct. 8 .
10 This week NRPB staff said privately that they were angry that nobody had told them of their gaff .
11 They told chairman Michael Croucher that it was only by accident they had heard of the proposals and they were concerned that no-one had told them .
12 Both were adamant that they had not .
13 They were adamant that it had been clear all along , they 'd suspected something from the start .
14 We were pleased that we had a representative from the south of Montgomeryshire but it was a pity that no one from the Dyfi Valley attended .
15 When we came away from the chapel I asked the boys if they were pleased that they had all gone to say goodbye to their grandpa .
16 She recommended that a meeting with Social Services would be helpful to alert them to the ‘ dynamics ’ of this family and to advise them that ‘ as professionals we were anxious that we had not managed to engage and intervene within the family and explore deficits in the parenting role ’ .
17 ’ The committee heard evidence from Stemp and from Worcestershire and were satisfied that he had not knowingly taken amphetamines and that they had been administered to him without his knowledge , approval or authority .
18 All three have now given 50 pints of blood each and all three were surprised that they had reached this figure at almost the same time .
19 So it was that by the time Hugh and Twoflower entered the courtyard of the Broken Drum the leaders of a number of them were aware that someone had arrived in the city who appeared to have much treasure .
20 All were aware that he had become the vessel of a transcendent power .
21 It was absurd that she had n't guessed straightaway and absurd that he should be standing in a telephone booth somewhere , talking about a queue forming .
22 It was cruel that he had to die so soon after all he had suffered ; it would have been more cruel if he had died alone , in the dark , knowing that rescue was at hand ; at least he knew the relief of the rescue and died in the comfort of his own bed .
23 It was strange that she had never thought of him before , for she now remembered how quickly he had learnt poetry when she was helping him learn to read .
24 Grainne thought it was strange that she had never before realised how many Kings of Ireland had been exiled and had later returned .
25 However , with the stories of massive repair costs being bandied around and a particularly uninspiring incumbent devoting most of his energies to the adjacent parish , it was understandable that no-one had been brave enough to voice their concern .
26 She thought she had given him a very tricky word , one that he would n't yet have learned , and she was peeved that he had succeeded .
27 It was odd that he had n't thought about that but immediately it came back to him , the name of the exchange , though Hilbert 's phone had been disconnected .
28 But if he came prepared to kill it was odd that he had relied on seizing the first convenient weapon ; unless , of course , he knew that the mallet would be ready to hand .
29 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
30 It was possible that he had been in the Rolls with his father on the Sunday night .
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