Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] when [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had found that even in Britain , where officials tended to be dismissive of the idea of a plan , people from private industry were receptive when he explained the Netherlands ' plan at a meeting : ‘ They said , ‘ Yes , we should like such a plan because it reduces our uncertainty .
2 She were pregnant when she came down she 'd nothing when .
3 Cos she were pregnant when she moved here .
4 ‘ But it just goes to show , ’ Ruth said , ‘ that they were right when they said emigrants should n't wait to leave until they were too far gone in poverty , but should go while they still have enough to provision themselves . ’
5 I would hate to find myself part of any anti-Diana conspiracy , but it did cross my mind that some of her critics were right when they claimed that she deliberately sought to dominate family photographs .
6 ‘ But you were right when you insisted that I must give myself the opportunity to learn my true feelings , although … ’
7 ‘ So you were right when you said my grandmother had n't met Elaine Webb . ’
8 ‘ But you were right when you said drugs were a serious issue .
9 The Spireites are in 11th position in the table and their outside hopes of reaching the play-offs were upset when they lost at home to Rochdale on Saturday .
10 Anyway , you were asleep when it happened but they might want to have a word , so — ’
11 She were asleep when I went down .
12 The luggage lizards were asleep when I came to .
13 That 's why this afternoon their protests were loud when they gathered outside the building
14 He were poorly when I seen him .
15 Mothers kept their children away from us , and were grateful when we had checked in and gone for a coffee .
16 First , we should understand that the political hacks were peeved when he won the overwhelming support of his colleagues to represent them on Labour 's shadow cabinet and they were really gutted when John Smith gave him the Scottish Office to shadow .
17 Members of the rescue team were elated when they landed at Scapa Pier near Kirkwall last night .
18 They were old when they had her . ’
19 Oh I thought that were light when I picked it up then that was quick .
20 If the roads were clear when they came out of the meeting they would travel back that night .
21 We are quite clear , and we were clear when we conducted the talks this summer , that they were not peace talks because they would not bring an end to the violence , but were one of the pressures that can be mounted against the terrorists .
22 Jamie was why you got back on the horse , why you did n't say if you were afraid when they stitched the cut on your face after the brakes on the bike failed .
23 But they were afraid when he faced them .
24 Darwin 's critics were wrong when they said that all my offspring would inherit half of it .
25 ‘ I would n't mind if they were prepared to say they were wrong when I prove them wrong but they never do . ’
26 Their hearts were empty when they left Earth , empty today , empty forever … ‘
27 It was so cold and self-contained , his eyes were empty when he looked at her .
28 ‘ We were numb when we realised Leannda was blind , ’ said Chris .
29 ‘ You were serious when I told you you had inherited a fortune .
30 ‘ Word had got round that I was wearing red , but I think the guests were relieved when they saw me , and realised my dress was n't too outrageous , ’ says Alison .
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