Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] at [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The organisation took root because the originators of the experiment were shocked at how little the victims of crimes knew about getting assistance , says Helen Reeves , director of Victim Support .
2 Travelling along the island 's one main road and off on to the dusty tracks we were amazed at how friendly the locals were .
3 I bet even they were surprised at how little time it took ! ’
4 They were surprised at how much I could eat and drink .
5 We know Gebrec was alive at least half an hour after that .
6 The hip and femur bones were fused together and no movement was possible at that joint .
7 Amiss was as insulted as he was relieved at how little space was given in the newspapers to the injury sustained by J. Amiss , waiter : only two of the papers mentioned his name at all and one of them misspelt it .
8 I had to put on a brave face and try to show him that I was not worried , but when he appeared I was shocked at how much he had changed even in such a short time .
9 When the other woman folded herself into the delicate embrace , she was shocked at how thin her friend had become .
10 Several thousand years earlier , man and cat appear to have already developed a special relationship , and we can now state with reasonable certainty that the cat was domesticated at least eight thousand years ago .
11 She was amazed at how little he wore and how impervious he was to the cold .
12 And Kathleen Shore said she was amazed at how little had changed since she left Reid Street school at Easter 1945 aged 14 .
13 Mike Teague says he was amazed at how many people turned out to watch … and it just goes to show how much Gloucester people enjoy their rugby … he says his comeback is going well but there 's a lot of pressure to keep winning and England want is a third grand slam …
14 Rostov was amazed at how fast they were moving .
15 He was amazed at how difficult it was , but gradually it eased as she eased , and he noticed that she had wet her dress .
16 Vocals went straight down with only the minimum of top end EQ to keep them sharp , and when I went for the final mixdown I have to say I was amazed at how big a sound was coming back from the monitors .
17 In the bluey greens of the sea , for example , I was able to make even , intense washes of colour , and was amazed at how soft and delicate the washes became when watered down .
18 Jack was amazed at how calm he sounded — which was more than Steve did .
19 But when the door of the aeroplane was opened and the passengers stepped out , she was amazed at how muggy the temperature was .
20 With the exception of some of the Lycra fashions , I was appalled at how hideous everything was .
21 Neil was astonished at how pleasant the evening had been ; he had seldom enjoyed a game of chess more , and , thinking this , said a little slyly , ‘ Another game , another night , perhaps ? ’
22 But when I got to be twenty-one , I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years .
23 Marjorie was astonished at how attached Bill became to Lizzie , as if Lizzie was the daughter they 'd longed for .
24 As they walked down the drive , Constance was surprised at how cool it was under the pines .
25 And certainly , when the Major sipped his , he was surprised at how palatable it was .
26 She was surprised at how relieved she felt when she reached Pook 's Common .
27 He was surprised at how much Rakovsky had aged when he came in .
28 The taxi driver was surprised at how much Holmes seemed to know .
29 Although the moon was riding high in the sky , and shedding a rather weird , eerie glow on the flowering shrubs and various trees edging the green lawn , she was surprised at how much more calm and at ease she felt in the soft , enveloping darkness as she picked her way carefully over the sand .
30 He was surprised at how small her waist was .
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