Example sentences of "[was/were] [be] [vb pp] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile plans for the new building were being prepared and in 1970 working drawings were almost complete .
2 The century had been one of tremendous change and older views , like the emphasis on individualism , were being modified and in some cases challenged by the closing decades of the century .
3 With thoughts of conservation I can understand this but then one must understand the times when these were being worked and in the 19th and early 20th century this chalk gave a great many people employment and allowed families to be brought up in reasonably comfortable conditions and many of us now owe our very existance to these cement factories , our fathers and grandfathers earning their livings working on them .
4 Specific lessons were being taught and the abuse of wealth was being condemned but in the vast majority of ‘ social ’ films the message usually came wrapped in melodrama .
5 next thing I remember was being undressed and in bed with Debbie standing there with a boiled egg on a tray , saying mummy were so sorry you 'll never do Christmas again , you 've done it for us for forty years , we shall do it for you now .
6 Almost two centuries later it was being proposed that in much the same way every Spanish ambassador should have assigned to him a son or younger brother " to assist him as a comrade in his work " , be instructed in the conduct of embassy business and handle matters the ambassador himself could not spare time for , with the implication that he might well succeed to the post if it fell vacant .
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