Example sentences of "[was/were] [conj] it [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 The great advantage of his system , with its reliance upon external characters and analogies , was that it enabled him to make sense of the whole animal kingdom without the lifetime of research which Lardner 's schedule made impossible .
2 It contained four sheets of paper closely covered in unfamiliar handwriting , and it was a measure of how relaxed he was that it took him the best part of a minute to realise that he was holding a copy of the letter written by Ruggerio Miletti to his family three days previously .
3 Perhaps the most important element in Florey 's brief occupation of the Sheffield chair was that it brought him into close contact with Edward Mellanby ( see Chapter 7 ) .
4 The only advantage of illness , as far as Eliot was concerned , was that it released him from the general round of works and days — it was , he used to say , his body 's way of telling him to stop — and during periods of ill health such as this one he seemed better able to write .
5 The attraction of the concept was that it allowed him to square a number of circles at once .
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