Example sentences of "[was/were] [conj] [pron] [vb past] with " in BNC.

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1 Well Jesus did n't act like that he went to where the sinners were and he mixed with them .
2 At least she assumed that was who they were as they walked with Leo down the lane towards her ; she did n't wait to be introduced .
3 And the only record that we have in scripture of any evidence of folk having received the Holy Spirit was that they spoke with other tongues .
4 What she did know was that he lived with his mother and two brothers , and that after the war he would go back to work in an insurance office .
5 If , for example , a man was known as ‘ Father of James ’ the probability was that he lived with his wife 's people and dutifully avoided his mother-in-law in the appointed manner .
6 He told them the only way we could agree to a news-blackout was if they co-operated with us and gave us a free hand in the investigation . ’
7 So um that kind of thing b according to Campbell may be one of the reasons why the Cleveland scandal was so scandalous was because it intersected with a number of cultural fears we have about the relationship between sexuality and the anus for some reason .
8 It was as she finished with the remainder of yesterday 's mail that she glanced through the window in time to see Silas walking towards the stables .
9 No matter how certain he might be immediately before he closed his eyes that there was plenty of space in front of him , no matter how positive he was as he walked with eyes closed that he was n't veering off to one side and there was tarmac under his feet rather than grass , he still found it very hard , almost impossible , to walk more than about twenty paces with his eyes closed .
10 In those moments , those final moments as he took her and reached ecstasy , she had been able to believe he loved her , felt something for her ; and , though she knew he did not , she was moved , wanted to retain those precious moments which he had just given her when he had finally stripped the mask away and let her see how human he was as he merged with her and lost himself inside her .
11 And in view of the information he had when he went to London for a meeting last Wednesday and that was when he consulted with other people deciding that he should offer a nought percent increase .
12 I bought them because they had I bought them oh I think it was when I went with Val to Kessler long weekend
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