Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj] if it " in BNC.

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1 It smelt strange in here but I were n't sure if it was my fish paste sandwich or not !
2 It was as if he 'd made up his mind about something yet was not sure if it was the right thing to do .
3 Adams ' report , one of a long line of studies , expert groups , advisory committees and internal and external task forces that have looked at Super-SARA , declared that the project was still viable if it got an immediate go-ahead .
4 When Dot began to cry she was n't sure if it was because of thinking about poor Mr Brown 's two missing fingers or because she could n't remember what her father 's face looked like , or merely because of the alarming new orders about train departures cackling from the loudspeakers .
5 I was n't sure if it would work so I had to try it out before buying it .
6 Now , by this point Nick was n't sure if it was all some ghastly joke or not , and then he realized what had happened .
7 She was n't sure if it was a good omen or not that he made no comment .
8 I missed the beginning so I was n't sure if it was Mick Mills or Mick McGivern ( ex West Ham bore who follows John Lyall around the place ) .
9 I was n't sure if it was unethical , but I was only telling her what she would have discovered when she visits tonight with Alan . ’
10 But I was n't sure if it was Reverend Green , cos that
11 ‘ If you 're — uh — gay , as they insist on calling it these days , then I 'll just have to accept it , but I shall always blame myself , always wonder where I went wrong with you , wonder whether it was that school I sent you to , I was never sure if it was a mistake or ’
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