Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] one [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They were only one of many small groups Nguyen Seth took an interest in , but Duroc knew the Elder saw Paris as an important flashpoint in the coming deluge and so they required more personal attention than similar factions in Johannesburg , Puerto Belgrano , Teheran , Shanghai , Mexico City , Malmo , Berlin , Belfast , Genoa or Birmingham .
2 These were strategically placed so that the hands were exactly one at each breast .
3 White-hot heat coursed through him , and with it came the rare , precious fusing of mind and body , so that her thoughts and her emotions flowed out to him , and his to her … we were truly one on that morning , thought Fergus .
4 Seven years later , I was presumably one of those .
5 This was presumably one of several added in the fourth century , perhaps contemporary with a new wide ditch outside its predecessor .
6 The religious political factor was merely one of several major recurring problems during Barbarossa 's reign , all of which interacted with one another .
7 Even the local garage conformed to the general pattern and this was obviously one of those fortunate towns where the planners had insisted that the character of the place be preserved , and not submerged by the usual welter of national stores .
8 Harley 's man was perhaps one of these .
9 He was perhaps one of those people , myself included , who , to quote a character in a Compton Mackenzie novel , were born two whiskies below par .
10 Passionately , he told it he still believed that , like a human soul , its essential persona would continue to exist after its hardware was destroyed , because this reality was only one of many possible eigen states .
11 When , for example , Alexander Gordon of Strathdon came to Elgin on 5 November 1539 to bind himself in manrent to George earl of Huntly , promising to serve him in peace and war , give him counsel , and protect him against harm , he was only one of many hundreds of men throughout the country during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries making such an obligation , and thereby creating strong personal relationships based always in theory and normally in reality not just on mutual self-interest but on mutual loyalty and trust .
12 Gladstone was only one of many people whom he persuaded to record — in this case , a message congratulating Edison upon his invention .
13 But in Athens it was only one of many roles which a citizen could expect to have to play in the public life of the polis .
14 Although this was the grandest , Bering 's voyage of discovery was only one of many scientific expeditions in the eighteenth century , and through the efforts of government-sponsored explorers and private entrepreneurs — the latter seeking not so much scientific information as further killing grounds in the pursuit of the lucrative sea otter — Russia 's political and commercial power began to reach out beyond the Siberian landmass across the northern Pacific , taking in the Aleutian and Kuril Islands , Russian America ( the present Alaska ) , as well as establishing trading settlements down the western coast of America , and even making a short-lived foray into the Hawaiian archipelago .
15 This was only one of several Masses that were to take place that day .
16 They were not the only children to die in the district and the Milltown cemetery was only one of several busy around that time in an awful traffic with children 's white coffins .
17 The Glossopteris flora was only one of several widespread late Palaeozoic floras and was itself limited to the then Gondwana region .
18 The phrase caught on , and although Peterloo was only one of several similar incidents around that time , it became the one people remembered .
19 But this stress was only one of several strands in the ideological construction of the bourgeois family , for sexual choice was hemmed in by simultaneous emphases on property , the survival ( and even accentuation ) of a differentiated standard of morality , and the growth of the ideology of ‘ respectability ’ , with all its class connotations .
20 Lapis lazuli was only one of several varieties of semi-precious stones used by the Egyptian goldsmith to enrich his products .
21 The Federation was now compelled to change its ground and argue the National Union was only one of several organisations claiming to organise merchant seamen .
22 Omnipresence was only one of several attributes that tipped him over into the realm of the superhuman .
23 But it was only one of those sleeps into which he was ever more likely to fall during the day and she knew he would waken , roaring , in an hour or so .
24 It 's close on twelve and it was only one of those little mice … ’
25 She would have a new coat for winter once in about three years , and the same for summer , with a suit for ‘ in between weather , ’ ( spring and autumn ) , so there was only one of these major expenses each year .
26 The report acknowledged that education performs many functions and the facilitation of economic growth was only one of these functions .
27 I started off qua , er quarter of an hour so half ha , it was only one of these things that goes over the top .
28 ‘ As far as I can make out from the little she said about what actually happened , the man who kidnapped them , there was only one at that point , was hidden in the back of their car when they got in .
29 Indeed , he had good cause to benefit from his death , yet , Corbett reasoned , he was only one among many .
30 ‘ If her work was a factor it was only one among many .
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