Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The Butterley Company found that men whose wives could not find work were less likely to stay at Ollerton , and so planned the building of factories in the village which would ensure both that men were not lost and that family incomes could be supplemented .
2 Nevertheless , somehow Rogers and Thomas got the message across that TB was hardly the scourge it once had been and there was really no reason not to laugh at those who were generally prepared to laugh at themselves , although there were serious moments too .
3 He would enjoy it more , though , if he were not obliged to read at the same time , in the rear windows of other cars , crude reminders of a more basic sexuality .
4 The radical direction was chosen but the changes were not all made at once .
5 The rest of the time , they were not disposed to look at Peter as a human being , but only as a rector , a creature of whom standards of motive and conduct were expected that they did not expect of themselves .
6 He suggested that maybe the electrons were not able to orbit at just any distance from the central nucleus but only at certain specified distances .
7 Most of the English practitioners were not concerned to look at literature as a method of communicating .
8 Angelica 's eyes were just visible staring at the wall , unblinking .
9 As is widely known , results showed that those in the experimental group were more likely to remain at home than those in the control group , that the scheme held no cost disadvantages , that levels of subjective stress in carers were reduced , and that there were ‘ significant improvements in a range of indicators of subjective well-being and quality of care ’ for the clients in the experimental group compared with the control group .
10 This of course was a common point of view but none the less irritating because we were nearly all conscripted at this stage of the war and would have preferred to have been left alone to get on with our nice , comfortable civilian lives in peace .
11 I set traps for you , and you seemed to fall into them — that is , you reacted as I longed for you to react , but you were n't supposed to react at all because you were n't supposed to feel anything for me !
12 Nevertheless , reviews within the periphery did begin to deal with the relationship between form and content in far more radical ways than left or core reviews were prepared to do and were even able to hint at possible political meanings that might be derived from this process .
13 She talks all the time and craves company — something her family were simply unable to provide at home .
14 He 'd write lengthy letters to his accountant , stockbroker , bank etc , most of which I tried to convince him were quite unnecessary to do at that moment — if indeed at all .
15 Their flight was as erratic as the locomotion of their ground-travelling equivalents , but they were therefore difficult to shoot at .
16 They had a certain similarity , all of them , and they all lacked something , though most were very beautiful to look at .
17 He was so good to look at .
18 There was so much to sniff at and they had already found two rabbits and had aroused a flock of partridges .
19 Although his friend must be a few years younger than Alice , he was fancy-free , and Alice was so lovely to look at these days , the age difference would n't be noticed .
20 I was so busy looking at the coach .
21 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
22 David Parkin was obviously keen to preserve at work the image of a happy marriage despite , or perhaps because of , his affair with Nicola .
23 But Osbern never ceased to be a rebel in the cause of the past , and the battle for Anglo-Saxon antiquity was only half won at Lanfranc 's death .
24 She was apparently able to win at will , despite a strong challenge from Raul Gardini 's Passage of Venice .
25 And the result was painfully crude to look at .
26 She was not able to sleep at night , finding herself pushed about in bed .
27 It was not seemly to look at oneself and although every lady had her hand minor tucked into her personal box , mirrors on the wall were still not quite nice , still slightly risqué .
28 Below magazine-level at any rate he was not painful to look at .
29 She claimed that she had invited both her daughter and Neha to go to Marbella with her but Neha was not ready to leave at the same time .
30 He was still half laughing at her .
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