Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Let us look at those towns that grew up in the midst of their own open fields , that entered the nineteenth century with their population rising at a phenomenal rate , but were wholly unable to expand their building area to meet this rise in numbers .
2 So we dashed back to the steamer which was just pulling out from the bank — you two were jolly glad to see us .
3 Most importantly this project is a microcosm of the best of the Highlander ideas — the people who were most disadvantaged pooled their energies into a collective involvement which identified the sort of information which they needed in order to take further action .
4 It confirmed that opera lovers were most likely to spread their favours across the art forms .
5 This indicated that Inner London and County libraries were most likely to regard themselves as offering formal induction training , County libraries were more likely to say that they offered formal training of most types , and that Outer London and Metropolitan libraries made most distinction between training offered to professional and non-professional staff , Scottish , Welsh and Northern Ireland libraries , least .
6 If they ran into trouble they hoped — without too much justification — for help from England , and they knew they were most unlikely to get it from their neighbours .
7 What time would you choose to go to bed if you were entirely free to plan your evening ?
8 They all asked whether he played for the Beatles or the Stones , and were much amused to hear he had formed his own pop group with some of his fellow junior students .
9 Philip at first took no notice of what he said ; but when he heard him repeat the same thing several times , and saw he was greatly upset by the horse being sent away , eventually replied : ‘ Are you criticising those who are older than yourself , as if you knew more , and were better able to manage him than they ? ’
10 Scarlet , who agreed with him , wished that he were better able to express himself .
11 As a rule non-parliamentary taxation fell on the shoulders of those who were better able to bear it , and hence was not exactly unpopular .
12 He was expected to set an example in knightly exercises , and to show a personal example of prowess in war , although he and his enemies were sufficiently prudent to value him more highly alive than dead , so that a crowned king was rarely killed in battle .
13 Wholesalers , including Bertrams , Gardners , Barnicoats , Heathcote and TBD , were somewhat shocked to find themselves approached , in turn , by HarperCollins to discuss terms in Torquay this week .
14 The rail unions staged a series of strikes over poor pay and BR insistence on an end to collective bargaining , and were somewhat surprised to find themselves with public sympathy despite many complete network shutdowns .
15 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
16 His orders were obeyed by more than 450 competitors but about 30 — they were apparently reluctant to lose their position at the head of the race - steeplechased over the two closed barriers and carried on running .
17 The new deviance writers were naturally anxious to disengage themselves from association with such conservative goals .
18 Several leading nobles by this truce lost control of , and revenues from , estates which they had possessed in Scotland : they were naturally inclined to emphasize its temporary nature .
19 But you belong at the Foundling Hospital and we were only able to borrow you for a little while .
20 Winchester were only entitled to conduct their investment business lawfully by reason of being an authorised representative of Norwich Union .
21 The journalists who worked for the popular newspapers were only concerned to please their readers , and the truth was irrelevant .
22 I think they were so nervous to play anything that would imply for the space shot or against the space shot — whether the guys were going to come back or not .
23 If it 's true that you were so keen to meet me I might satisfy your curiosity completely by reversing my rule to only date brunettes — ’
24 Mr Carey added : ‘ You were so keen to have your own way with her that you disregarded the fact that you could have made her pregnant . ’
25 The meeting at Rutherglen for the choice of commissioner with the authority of the Burgh 's vote was on the evening of 20th May at seven pm and the Dixon agents were so keen to keep their influence to the very end and not let Kirkman Finlay 's agents have an opportunity to exert influence that they were hard pressed to get the Councillors to the meeting at seven pm .
26 At the time , after years of wartime austerity , consumers were so relieved to sink their teeth into a nice slice of meat that they seemed content to remain in ignorance about its origins .
27 It was , it seems , to prevent this ‘ premature interest ’ that the family , and its moralists , were so anxious to concern themselves with sexual manifestations .
28 ‘ You were so anxious to keep it and … ’
29 It has appeared to me , through all the seclusion of my life & the narrow experience it admitted of , that in nothing , men — & women too ! — were so apt to mistake their own feelings , as in this one thing .
30 Producers were so busy fighting their own corner , and so mesmerized by the success of Hollywood , that they did n't have the strength to argue that keeping the industry fragmented and flexible , learning from Hollywood 's example without simply imitating its outward forms , might be a better way of catering for a market the size of Britain than heading up the road of monopoly .
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