Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( They were eventually to get another dog — a very lively golden retriever , but before that Warnie had bought himself a boat . )
2 Central reforms were eventually to adjust such discrepancies , but as with the tax changes , they turned out to be blunt bureaucratic instruments not sufficiently finely tuned to local needs .
3 Although the workers were given written instructions as to their role when they began their work with a client , this role always expanded so that they were eventually performing several functions for the client .
4 I did notice those remarks , which were widely reported this morning .
5 To prevent patients on the same ward comparing the contents of different fact sheets ( and thereby contaminating the data ) , randomisation depended on the ward and week of admission : forms used on a given ward were randomly alternated each week .
6 He , moving between this strange abode and Jack 's house in Chelsea , felt as if , wanting to be needed by everyone , he were merely becoming some sort of semi-invisible messenger .
7 were only working half days .
8 As we shall see in Chapter 6 the closing decades of the century and the early years of the new century were more concerned with the ‘ collective ’ approach than the individual , and younger ministers were only mirroring this change .
9 Jess saw him coming , but was too bothered by the scrape she and Midnight were in to take any notice .
10 His shadowed eyes roved around , as though he were personally serenading each woman in the room , and Shelley felt a shiver when his glance rested on her neat fair head and blue eyes .
11 Young people were normally allowed many opportunities to meet members of the opposite sex , and though examples can be quoted of disinheritance because parental wishes had not been met , the prime consideration in choosing a wedding partner was undoubtedly mutual love .
12 Of course there were the usual fights , but one regiment soon found that its men were generally taking more punishment than they were giving out .
13 Nevertheless , four out of five of them were not using any form of birth control .
14 Indeed his fellows were not to see that cadet again .
15 Because they were not enacting any kind of simulation of hospital life , the exercise could be described as INDIRECT .
16 In the 1546 patients managed exclusively by the general practitioner in whom details of maintenance treatment before and after the attack were supplied , 349 ( 23% ) had been receiving no treatment ( step 0 ) before the attack , and 51 ( 15% ) of these were not prescribed any maintenance treatment after their attack .
17 It is possible that such people had minor enzyme deficiencies before their damaging exposure , but that these were not causing any symptoms at that stage .
18 To assess directly the differences between situations which were recalled and those which were not recalled each subject 's mean accident estimate and risk rating was calculated separately for situations which they recalled and those they did not .
19 In the last century , the form of the right was that the police were not to ask any questions of a detained person .
20 Landlords were not seeking any advantage in the regulations but merely wanted to ensure that the rental value of holdings was maintained .
21 Willan Cyrus , prosecuting , told the court : ‘ In fact , customers were not getting any discount at all . ’
22 Ex-servicemen and their families were not getting any benefits from ‘ the war to end all wars ’ .
23 Around 50,000 giant clams were bred on Orpheus Island in Queensland by scientists from James Cook University , and approximately 4,000 have been transported by the Royal Australian Navy as they were not getting enough sunlight and water circulation .
24 All subjects were symptomfree , were not taking any drugs , and agreed to collaborate as volunteers .
25 They were not taking any chances .
26 Funeral or no funeral they were not taking any chances .
27 Eighteen normal volunteers ( 11 women , seven men , median age 45 years ( 19–75 ) , median body weight 75 kg ( 45–109kg ) , and median BMI 26.0 ( 17.8–38.7 ) who had no history of gastrointestinal disease and were not taking any medication were also studied .
28 At the end of the prosecution case , counsel for Paul Magee ( 42 ) and Michael O'Brien ( 32 ) told Mr Justice Laws that they were not calling any evidence .
29 Six patients were not receiving any treatment .
30 And it is clear that there were , that a very significant proportion were not reaching that level and it 's being taxed .
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