Example sentences of "[was/were] [pron] who [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly Georg got out of the van , looked around to make sure there was no-one who knew him , then he walked quickly across to the station restaurant , entered , and hid himself quickly in a booth that had a view of the rails .
2 ‘ We were in the lane after Sacco left , ’ said Nooty , ‘ and it was getting really cold and Dorcas said to take him the other side of the hedge and , well , it was me who said you can see rabbits in this field sometimes , and he said find a rabbit-hole .
3 She 'd know it was me who got it .
4 ’ Chert — did you tell anyone that it was me who got you involved with Ardakke ? ’
5 ‘ Everyone thought David broke off the engagement , but the truth of the matter was it was me who ended it . ’
6 It was me who warned you of the Fascist element infiltrating at Danino 's .
7 It was me who did it , not my husband .
8 It was me who bathed him and turned off his light .
9 ‘ I think it was me who started it , ’ I said .
10 Yeah , they , it was them who got us to M O T it
11 After all it was I who recommended them to use Nadirpur . ’
12 I shall die with that feeling of guilt , that it was I who robbed him of life . ’
13 It was I who raised it again , with my magic art — summoning it back to sight here on my island .
14 ‘ He ate little and it was I who brought him food .
15 ‘ Sir George called it a ‘ ripping idea , ’ and he must know I need a chaperone so he can hardly object if I take you , since it was I who brought you ! ’
16 ‘ It was I who carried you to your bed .
17 ‘ I was close to your father during his great crisis , ’ she said , ‘ and it was I who led him astray .
18 I was conscious , too , of his fine , tanned hand holding the pencil , and of the occasional play of warm breath from his mouth , wholesome as home-baked bread , though he was a heavy smoker — much heavier than I. ft was I who introduced him to the Bisontes brand , a Spanish version of Lucky Strike , with a similar ‘ toasted ’ flavour .
19 If she was killed to prevent her telling the truth about the paintings , her killer was someone who believed she would tell .
20 She only wished there was someone who knew her to see her climbing in .
21 He probably thought a financial adviser was someone who told you to hand over the wallet or you 'd get your throat cut .
22 I just thought poor guy , I mean he was somebody who thought he 'd overcome food addiction , drink addiction , drugs addiction and he looks like a spider .
23 Yet these lonely , unhappy people needed to know there was somebody who loved them .
24 Especially when they are tipped that it was you who topped him . ’
25 ‘ It 's the sort of silly idea I get all the time , ’ observed Lydia , ‘ only this time it was you who got it . ’
26 How very arrogant you are , Feargal , and might I remind you that it was you who sought me out , not the other way round ? ’
27 I 'm sure it was you who brought it , and we did n't open it because we were eating , we wanted to have the opposite colour to what you brought , that what you
28 I think it was you who said it was " like digging in treacle " .
29 His voice as cold and hard as polished steel , Michele said , ‘ It was you who suggested I could have her eating out of my hand … ’
30 ‘ It was you who allowed me to work here ; why do you ridicule me ? ’
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