Example sentences of "[was/were] [pron] [noun] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So marked were my anxieties that I buried that experience for several years .
2 On release she went to the mayor and so powerful were her reproaches that he ‘ acknowledged the truth of her doctrine ’ and henceforth attempted to protect Quakers .
3 So strict were their beliefs that they objected to the church 's Holy Days as they had been selected by men and because , to God , all days were holy and should be celebrated equally .
4 Their operations began on a modest scale , using a small steam engine to drive two pairs of stones and some ancillary equipment , but so successful were their efforts that they installed two new larger engines and built their own warehouse .
5 I thought it was n't fair that I should begin to show when I was barely into my fourth month , and I got angry with my clothes , as if it were their fault that I pulled them out of shape .
6 However , so severe were his injuries that he was transferred almost immediately to the burns unit of Withington Hospital in Manchester .
7 But Gould said : ‘ I knew the financial problems facing the club when I became manager in the summer and it was my idea that I should work without a contract .
8 Is , it was my sweep that I was doing so I 'm keeping the money , nobody else can have it .
9 It was my experience that they took an extremely passive line , waiting to see if the situation would change and the spouse return .
10 Such was my astonishment that I stopped kicking the offending mouse and at the first opportunity went to look at the hedgerow .
11 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
12 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
13 Er , the recommendation to those committees was that they should treat the paper as a basis for consultation , it was on that basis that they approved it , it was my impression that they support it in general terms .
14 Erm , funnily enough earlier on in August , erm , I rang you up about Yugoslavia , and er , I , one of the reasons that I gave for not , the Europeans , not intervening in Yugoslavia was my fear that it might lead to the Russian military unseating Gorbachev and my , er , discard that the , the sick man of Russia , so erm , sort of parallel I , well I would n't parallel it with Yugoslavia , my argument in Yugoslavia was that we should n't intervene because we do not have primary interests with , I mean , well we clearly have general interest but we do n't have primary interest , additionally in Russia is that everybody , in the world have interest but I would definitely here say that Britain should clearly do nothing per .
15 What , however , caused almost universal consternation was my suggestion that we should go a stage further and see whether it was possible to introduce ‘ portable ’ pensions — pensions which you could take from one job to another .
16 It was my understanding that I could expect to free up some 610–615Kb of Conventional memory and also have lots of High RAM available .
17 ‘ It was my understanding that you knew .
18 So great was my obsession that I used to wish that one day I would develop my own American accent .
19 Such was their excitement that they dropped another three grand on the floor .
20 Even worse was their accusation that he encouraged Daffy Duck , Porky Pig and Elmer to cross-dress .
21 Such was their passion that they tore the hapless Pentheus to shreds in an orgiastic fury .
22 Since most of those involved in organising these commemorations were also involved in NICRA , and both were initiated by the Wolfe Tone Societies , the events illustrate how deep-rooted was their belief that it was possible to bring about unity between workers in both communities in Northern Ireland , provided the right political formula could be found .
23 Such was her exhaustion that she would not have cared if her traitorous purpose was emblazoned across her face for him to see .
24 Secretly , under layers and wads of protest , was her admission that he was right , that these things were for the best .
25 Once Anne had accepted the fact that I was n't gon na work in the foreseeable future , and it was her choice that we stay , cos I gave her a clear choice , it was either move away where I could get work , or stay and suffer the wages of the dole like you know .
26 it was her thought that we were
27 And such was her feeling that she might have need of them sometime , nothing was ever thrown out .
28 After she was dead , after we had said the prayers for her , her son , the young one , brought it to me , all newly furbished like this , and said it was her wish that I should have it , for a musician without an instrument is a warrior without weapon or armour .
29 And it was her fault that he could tell , that he knew her so thoroughly .
30 So vivid was her imagination that she became adept at having conversations with him in which he was always making her laugh , always being to her the sort of person she longed to have as a life companion .
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