Example sentences of "[was/were] [art] [noun sg] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 If you were , if you were a castratie what would you do for a living ?
2 So what was it that had made him go , but a furtive , half-acknowledged sense that not to have done so would have been like turning one 's back on the Crucifixion , that here perhaps at last was the litmus which might determine the validity of his readopted faith ?
3 There had to be a balance of power in Eurasia , and Britain ( above all others ) was the state which could help to preserve that balance by realistic diplomacy , deterrence or war .
4 In R v Exeter Juvenile Court , ex pH and R v Waltham Forest Juvenile Court , ex pB [ 1988 ] FCR 474 , the President of the Family Division held that the welfare of the child was paramount and was the principle which must guide a court in deciding whether to adjourn : it was vital for care proceedings to proceed with great dispatch as any delay involved risk to the child .
5 This was the arena which would provide grandstand finishes on the Saturday and Sunday at peak television time .
6 The old man was sitting at table , the food lying before him untasted , when Rodrigo returned , and pointing to the head which hung from the horse 's collar , dropping blood , he bade him look up , for there was the herb which should restore to him his appetite .
7 The other side of the coin was the pressure which could be exerted upon such foreign soldiers if they attempted to come home to vote in an election in opposition to a man of influence .
8 It was the radio which used to keep me going in Holloway .
9 Hooker 's was a name which could hardly fail to be included on the list of those whom the Church wished to commemorate in 1980 .
10 It was a trip which can never be repeated as nearly all lines are gone .
11 Again , that does n't get us anywhere at the moment , but it does slightly bear out the possibility that the man was a foreigner which would explain our total failure so far to get him identified . "
12 The blinking was a reflex which could equally well have been set off by a puff of wind or a flash of light .
13 Medieval law was indeed profoundly conservative , and most medieval vassals took it for granted that the right of resistance was a law which could not be abrogated .
14 In so far as the French Union was a federation which would group Indochina , Black Africa , and North Africa it was , as Raymond Aron pointed out , a grandiose objective but at least in the original proposals of the drafting committee which included a former governor general of Indochina , Alexandre Varenne , it was to be a union based on free consent .
15 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
16 It was a tribute which will mean as much to Mr Havel as any formal honour .
17 County courts could still , in spite of the 1869 Acts , commit small debtors to prison , on the principle that imprisonment was a penalty which should be reserved for what was in the nature of the crime .
18 Commentators agreed that the legalization of the black nationalist groupings was a move which would transform the political landscape ; in recent weeks , however , both the ANC and the UDF had largely ignored the restrictions on their activities [ see p. 37176 ] .
19 It was a conquest which would be theirs for more than half a century .
20 It was a victory which could , and did , lead to greater things .
21 It was a discomfort which would have brief pause only while its inhabitants slept and it extended from the top to the lowest level .
22 In this even more marginal world of cross-cultural perception and social contrast , the statistical truths I was consistently having to produce for local politicians , senior officers , the press , and the public in Newcastle were of little value , especially when discussion on the structures surrounding approval or illegality of some drug use was a matter which might encompass problems of economic , geographical , cultural , or even religious boundaries , or more likely the changing political whim or opportunity of the moment .
23 FitzGerald — that this was a matter which could be considered as soon as Lord Lowry passed on — being considered by the Government now ?
24 Behind him was a broom which could have been used to batter him .
25 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
26 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
27 He did not love her , but she would make a remarkable duchess , and the fact that she had inherited more than her share of her papa 's famous shrewdness was a bonus which would assist the Blaines and make their future secure .
28 The fusion of the Asian and European conflicts was a gamble which could only come off if a successful blitzkrieg were to lead to negotiation .
29 This was a connection which would almost certainly not have developed but for Gloucester 's duchy office .
30 This was a connection which would almost certainly not have developed but for Gloucester 's duchy office .
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