Example sentences of "[was/were] [art] [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This evidence suggests that were the STV to be adopted in the United Kingdom it would have effects broadly similar to those it has in Ireland , and rather different from those proclaimed by its British advocates .
2 Were the STV to be adopted in Britain , the seniority factor , the locality factor and the numerical factor would all have to be taken into account as they are in Ireland in the selection of candidates .
3 I have access to a low-level formatting program , were the drive to be on of the MFM type , but the information on the outside of the casing does n't include the numbers of heads and cylinders .
4 Were the passage to be literally transcribed , with the melody in octaves on the 1st violins and violas , the semiquaver figures in the right hand to the second violins and the arpeggios in the left hand to the cellos , the intentions of the composer would be most inadequately represented .
5 On the other hand , the existence of wide discretion in the hands of judges and of the sovereign ( notably in the form of the pardon , which was extensively used ) meant that the guilty were as likely to go un-punished as were the innocent to be wrongly convicted and harshly dealt with .
6 Were the Alliance to be successful , the NEC held that it would produce a weak government like that in France .
7 An English solicitor might find it impossible to exercise the appropriate degree of supervision and control were the order to be executed abroad ; and a local agent acting on his behalf might not be subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the English court to which the Court also attached weight .
8 Even were the principle to be open to compromise , the inference that it is proper merely , so to say , to extend opening hours until 70 is itself based on a misconception about older age — and one is unhappy to note its manifestation among a clutch of answers from old-age-oriented agencies .
9 Dire harmonic confusion would result were the bass to be mingled with the upper parts .
10 The reason for this is to avoid those who appointed the administrative receiver being treated as mortgagees in possession or being held liable for the receiver 's acts which would be the case were the receiver to be treated as their agent .
11 Were the consent to be valid then if the rights or duties consented to and their creation have good consequences , which outweigh the bad consequences to which their creation or existence lead , the validity of the consent is instrumentally justified .
12 On the other hand , were every indication to be that there was no chance of the letter ever being posted — for example if the person was a known thief and there was no post-box within a hundred miles — then in this case giving him or her the letter would be regarded as stupid .
13 Today , were a Black to be refused ordination on account of his race , there would be an outcry .
14 It would he a very revealing item of Bomber Command 's history were a tape to be made available today of that unfortunate telephone link-up , and for a cold assessment to be made of all the circumstances as known at the time .
15 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
16 Contemporaries were well aware of this : " Were an inventory to be taken of household goods and furniture of a peasant or mechanic in France and of a peasant or mechanic in England , the latter would be found on average to exceed the former in value by at least three to one . "
17 Was the healing to be a Christian healing ?
18 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
19 The advantage that Ken offered the team was the ability to be able to pull off love scenes and other out-of-character poses without anyone ridiculing the whole thing .
20 Not only was the water to be lifted out but they were prepared to erect drawing and pumping machinery to sink deeper .
21 Q. What was the ending to be ?
22 How was the school to be organized ?
23 The vocabulary of social purity was employed to demonstrate that male immorality was the problem to be addressed , not the norm against which women should be defined .
24 as if my mother was the child to be protected !
25 This account had it that de Castelnau was first turned away by the orderly officer , saying that on no account was the Commander-in-Chief to be disturbed .
26 And if you want to know , I would n't have thought he was the type to be interested-not at all . ’
27 I believe it to have been factually true that Crossman 's ambition to gain and retain Cabinet office was the aspiration to be in a position to observe what goes on as an academic or a philosopher observes .
28 Richard , as he saw it , tired of being " cheated of his just claim by the shiftiness of a woman " , spared no expense — such was the prize to be gained — and in the end he was successful .
29 But where was the line to be drawn ?
30 HQ was the place to be , and to be seen .
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