Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] such a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Toward the end of the war , many artillery pieces were of such a size and weight that they could only be moved around on specially strengthened railway freight wagons .
2 What is bewildering about ‘ the Arabs ’ seems , in a paradoxical way , to be that this undifferentiated ‘ they ’ are in fact behaving as ‘ we ’ might expect them to behave if ‘ we ’ were in such a position .
3 Many salespeople who , to an outsider , seem naturally quick-witted have developed this skill through careful preparation beforehand , imagining themselves as buyers and thinking of objections that they might raise if they were in such a position .
4 We were in such a state we decided to swallow what seemed the bitter pill of Thatcherism .
5 When the Duke died of dropsy in 1827 , his financial affairs were in such a state that his executors took the unprecedented step of placing his chattels up at public auction , entrusting the sale to the young James Christie .
6 Oh the plants were in such a mess on the oh it was a filthy mess
7 I should say at this point that the channel 1 ‘ clip ’ indicator on this example does n't work , although you ca n't blame the British distributors , as we were in such a rush to lay hands on the Acousticube that they did n't have time to check it ( also , pushing the Line/Mic button on channel 2 produces a large bang through the speaker ) .
8 ‘ I wanted to tell you the morning you left , but you were in such a hurry to be gone and — ’
9 ‘ But , ’ Robbie protested , ‘ I thought you were in such a hurry ? ’
10 This is true , for we know some travellers who were on such a ship .
11 By 1989 fund-raising and the general economy were at such a position that a ‘ Go ’ decision was either to be made , or it would never happen .
12 He thought he could remember that he and Peter had fastened their rope to a spur or spike of rock and accordingly it was for such a feature that he searched .
13 Charlie could no longer accept that any victory was worth such a price .
14 Not only that but the decline of capitalism was of such a character each step taken represented a positive move in the direction of socialism .
15 In such cases they will escape , unless they have been negligent , or at least ought to have known that the publication " was of such a character that it was likely to contain libellous matter " .
16 It was against such a background of innovation that the Plowden Committee began its enquiry into the state of primary schools in England and Wales .
17 It was into such a landscape that a foreign alien culture stepped in AD 43 when Claudius decided to send the Roman army into Britain .
18 If a bank was in such a position that it was to end , what is the necessity for it to go on ?
19 For one thing , I was in such a rush to get everything arranged for our move . ’
20 That 's why he was in such a rush about the will … ’
21 It seemed that in a school where he was in such a minority , his language and ethnicity had been defined as particular problems requiring the rather Draconian solution of Statementing .
22 At 85 , Swanton can claim to have seen it all , including those dire days in the mid-6o 's when the county game was in such a mess .
23 Some sceptics also felt that community care was in such a mess that it would be quite convenient for the government to transfer future blame for failure on to local councils .
24 Everything was in such a mess .
25 She says a customer once asked Mr Summerfield how he managed to stock-take when his shop was in such a mess ?
26 It was in such a mood , then , that I proceeded here to Salisbury .
27 In fact , when he drove us home he was in such a state I had to get out of the van .
28 You see , I think I was in such a state after glancing at those few pages simply because I did n't read any more .
29 Swift is normally the most phlegmatic of characters but he was in such a state of fluster on that occasion that he missed touch and found Smith instead .
30 By the time the meeting was over I was in such a state of excitement and fright that I forgot all about the clothing parcel I was supposed to collect .
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