Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 With this view , the Conservatives in the inter-war period were for small-scale government and low taxes — the less done by government , the better and cheaper .
2 I think that I am correct in saying that the two original high level computer languages were Cobol and Prolog , which were for developing business and general/scientific applications respectively .
3 There were three failures ( 30% ) in the Crohn 's group ( all three were for pelvic sepsis and fistula ) and a further three failures ( 30% ) in the indeterminate colitis group ( one for fistula , one for recurrent pouchitis , and one because of incapacitating diarrhoea ) compared with nine failures ( 15% ) in the ulcerative colitis patients ( six for ischaemia , two for recurrent pouchitis , and one for poor functional results ) ( relative risk 2.03 ( 96% CI 0.81 to 5.10 ) ) .
4 About 85pc of SIDs happened to babies aged less than six months , of which 60pc were between one month and four months .
5 There was mention of some art history work , a few articles for various journals and a cataloguing job for one of the museums but it was clear that for Maidstone these were of little importance and did not really qualify for the title of job .
6 They were established in increasing numbers from the 1830s and were of varying size and kind .
7 Moreover , research rather suggested that the former groups mounted one-off campaigns targeted at parliament or public opinion , whereas the latter groups ( and especially the trade unions and employers associations ) were of greater power and were likely to be in regular day-to-day contact with ministers , government , and the permanent administrative side of the state machine .
8 Within the overall range , the overwhelming majority of the structures were of simple design and type , conforming to the traditions and materials of individual regions .
9 Note that the average is surprisingly low for the year 1300 ( at the top of the graph ) ; but in this year we know of complaints from the king that the dies were of poor quality and made of soft metal
10 The RUC said the notes were of poor quality and did have a water mark .
11 The two described here were of that period and were most likely to have been inspired by our invisible mentor , Charles Hayward , the then editor of The Woodworker .
12 Most of the Balkan Jews were of Iberian origin and were thus of the Sephardic branch of Jewry .
13 The two children were of equal height and made a pair pretty enough for a Victorian painting , the boy dark and vivid , the girl fair and withdrawn .
14 He said my words were of pellucid clarity and great wisdom , but he knew nothing of poison , and if I wished to complain , he would be glad to take sherbet with you , or with Zacco .
15 The advocate-depute , Edward Bowen , QC , said that the dead youths were of good character and had been described as easy-going and likeable .
16 He caught the glint of a smile from Fael-Inis at that , and felt a sudden delight , because the fire was surging up all about them , and Fael-Inis had taken up a stance at the fore of the Chariot , and he was gathering up silken reins between his hands , only the reins were of living colour and shifting light , and there were certainly spells within them as there had certainly been spells in the Chamber of the Looms …
17 However , many American citizens were of Irish descent and held bitter opinions of the English .
18 Lady Lucan and Sandra Rivett were of similar age and build .
19 An Army spokesman said the documents were of low classification and details of IRA activities in them were ‘ purely fictitious ’ .
20 The ‘ Indian Tamils ’ , as they came to be called , were of low status and had a reputation among British planters for being docile .
21 Wills were of immense significance and the contingent squabbles sometimes spilled over into acts of family treachery and even violence …
22 It asks whether the goods with their instructions were of merchantable quality and reasonably fit for their purpose , Wormell v. R.H.M .
23 The Swift offices were of grey marble and gleamed under cool sunlight .
24 The FSM comprised more than 600 islands spread across 2,900 km , although only some 40 were of significant size and inhabited by a population of 100,000 .
25 Some were of servile status and others free , although with the passage of time more and more secured their freedom ( Ch.4 ) , some might occupy barely enough land to sustain themselves and their families , while others accumulated substantial farms and became themselves employers of labour .
26 All were of excellent design and construction and of elegant outline , enhanced by their bright yellow livery .
27 All other reagents were of analytical grade and all solutions were prepared using water purified through a Milli-Q four stage system ( Millipore , MA ) .
28 The books which were in the house were of another kind and pursued a different and more old-fashioned simplification ; some of them were indeed Victorian in fact as well as in tone , relics of her grandmother 's childhood .
29 While these were of high quality and presented by a band of distinguished international speakers , some participants would have liked to take part in more of the 17 special interest sessions .
30 This may be because of the difference in lithology between the platform sediments of the Z2 and Z3 Carbonates , but is also possible that the episodes of exposure and leaching in the Z3 Carbonate were of shorter duration and therefore less effective in generating porosity .
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