Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] in all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Llandovery have great pace behind the scrum and Narberth were solid in all respects .
2 However , it also showed that only 10% of even our better companies were innovative in all areas of business .
3 Negotiations were also under way with Switzerland for a relaxation of that country 's ban on the 40-tonne lorries which were usual in all EC member states except the UK and Ireland , and Austria was also being asked to upgrade rail and road transit routes , particularly over the Brenner Pass between Innsbruck and the Italian border .
4 Yet the cancer patients , who had significantly longer mouth-to-anus transit times , were not obstructed clinically or radiologically and stool frequencies were similar in all groups .
5 These histological findings were similar in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract .
6 For example , in North Wales , Derbyshire and the main part-time farming areas ( North Yorkshire , Wester Ross and Orkney ) , the number who were confident in all stock tasks was fairly high , no doubt because they had little option but to tackle stock work .
7 The grade differences in sickness absence were present in all age groups .
8 This belief was dispelled in the 1940s when advances in technique showed that both kinds of nucleic acid were present in all cells , and that the deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) was relatively stable while the ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) was being continually synthesized and decomposed .
9 Antibodies to bovine serum albumin were present in all patients with type I diabetes of new onset but in only 2.5% of controls .
10 Personal and family anamnesses for colorectal cancer ( first degree relatives ) were negative in all patients .
11 FISH and PCR were successful in all samples from the three compartments , with concordance in fetal sex prediction .
12 Necrotic areas were prsent in all tumours in the centre of the xenograft because of the lack of tumour vascularisation .
13 The cimetidine treated xenografts were identical in all respects to the xenografts from the other groups apart from having less necrotic areas , possibly because thy had not outgrown their blood supply to the same extent as the other tumours .
14 They employed Christian names rather than titles but their turns of phrase for communication with each other , whether written or spoken , were formal in all cases and on occasions orotund .
15 No group was directly comparable in 1961 ; but by 1976 the Thomson group was strong in all sectors .
16 One , black velvet , was outstanding in all ranges , its reflectance being almost zero .
17 Red cell folate was normal in all cases , even in the three patients with coeliac disease .
18 Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was normal in all patients , and a manometric test was performed in all of them .
19 At time T the intraepithelial lymphocyte count was normal in all patients ( normal values 8 ( 3 ) ) but it showed a clear cut increase at time T 1 in both group A and group B patients .
20 Jazz was popular in all circles during my childhood — the demand now is for more structured music or the cold beat of the synthesizer — but through the sixties the music of Black Africa in distress appealed to softened hearts .
21 My father 's a physicist and my mum 's a science teacher , and although at school I was interested in all things , most subjects , erm I think maths and physics came particularly easily to me .
22 Wealth did not make him lavish , however ; he had always been careful about money — indeed , he was economical in all areas of life , even in small matters such as ensuring that all the tea in a tea-pot had actually been drunk — and Joseph Chiari has remembered how he kept a regular account of his expenses in a pocket notebook .
23 Though massive progress was visible in all branches of knowledge , it seemed evident that some were further advanced , some more fully formed , than others .
24 Duodenal mucosa cyclic nucleotide values and adenylate cycloase activity were significantly higher in patients who did not receive treatment than in those who did and in controls , whereas guanylate cyclase activity was similar in all groups .
25 The total length of the oesophagus , measured by the location of the distal end of the lower oesophageal sphincter was similar in all patients ; however , the location of the squamous columnar junction extended more proximally and was related to the increasing severity of endoscopic oesophagitis .
26 The MK II was similar in all respects and carried the same load .
27 Although ECL cell type was predominant in all tumours , other endocrine cell types have been noted in two tumours .
28 The clinical course was uncomplicated in all patients .
29 Body weight gain was satisfactory in all rats included in this study .
30 She was that rare thing : an educated feminist who could relish what was extraordinary in all women .
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