Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tony took the overdose on Sunday night , at around the time when his father , his father 's girl friend and her son were due to come back from the pub .
2 And whatever the scholars of the sixteenth , seventeenth , and eighteenth centuries may have said or thought in private , there were very few who were prepared to come out into the open and publish opinions directly at variance with Holy Writ .
3 They were supposed to come back to the offices and do a three hour training
4 However , connections were unfortunate to come up against a fine-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
5 What they did n't expect was a sudden erosion of their lead in the later stages of the game , and they were glad to come out of it with their scalp intact .
6 They were all coming out in goose-pimples .
7 They were all coming back from France in foal .
8 But the plans came to nothing when council officers were unable to come up with the money to help host the event which runs from March 3–5 .
9 That would be about sixty , sixty one as I see , and er they were the last match of the season virtually was that they gained promotion on was Shrewsbury , which was at the game meadow and Arthur , the player manager who was a prolific goal scorer in his day , was playing at the time and er nobody expected Walsall to win but they ran out two-one winners and all down the A five that night all the pubs were full coming back with everyone celebrating , so erm , after then they had a civic dinner at the Town Hall for the players and they did a big flower display in the arboretum all set out in flowers the club badge and congratulation lads on winning promotion , and this when they kicked off the following season , in the second division , prior to that they played a friendly match against Leicester and Gordon was in goal and I took my boy with me Tim , who was only a toddler at the time , and he , I stood him on the old archway where the players used to run out , but the first league match was against Sunderland and Brian , actually played for Sunderland as centre forward and er Walsall ran out four-three winners in the end Tony , who was Walsall inside left got a hat trick and I believe Tommy , got the other goal and Brian scored for Sunderland , then the er we went on to the , the first away match which was at Derby County , and Walsall won that three-one .
10 It notes that if Intel Corp were able to come up with a way to drive 3.8m transistors without frying the chip to a frazzle , Pentium would look pretty good .
11 I said you were mad to come over at this time .
12 For that matter , she might not have been far out in thinking him impudent ; his manner was innocence itself , his deference if anything delicately overdone , as though he were ready to come down off his high horse the moment she came down off hers , and did n't anticipate that the descent need be long delayed .
13 It was odd coming over as a tragic heroine .
14 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
15 The other lad who made a commitment came as a non-believer but was willing to come along with an open mind and on studying the gospels came to believe Jesus was indeed who he said he was and shortly after made his commitment .
16 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
17 MacLachlan , victor of eight combats over the island , was fortunate to come down on Malta itself , rather than in the sea : ‘ For what seemed like hours I hung there , apparently motionless , with Malta still as far away as ever .
18 The SparKit LSI is announcing is the self-same kit it was supposed to come up with almost two years ago — one that would have produced a Sparcstation 2 clone for $18,000 .
19 He was unfortunate to come up against West Indies , playing four fast bowlers for the first time , when he was still an inexperienced leader and the memory of Lillee and Thomson was still raw .
20 However , he was unfortunate to come up against a finely-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
21 Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet .
22 Sam was apt to come out with explosive , inconsequential damnations which his class bore patiently , sympathetically .
23 Certainly the Home Office was unable to come up with a convincing case against such scrutiny by a House which is ‘ elected to protect the democratic rights of [ the ] people ’ .
24 When Myra was regressed she was unable to come up with anything which might have had a distressing effect upon her before the incident with her cousin .
25 ‘ It was important to come back after Saturday , and we always want to win at home .
26 In 1982 the Institute of Hydrology carried out trials on the Trannon , and in 1986 was able to come up with a number of constructive lessons to be learned from this sorry story .
27 It was a ritual that distressed Anna Essinger and her staff but , given the pressure to move the children out of the camp so that others could take their places , nobody was able to come up with a better alternative to what was known as ‘ the market ’ .
28 Conrad ( 1965 , pp. 12–13 ) , in his interesting study of penal practice in nine different European countries , was able to come up with five postulates shared by penal administrators in all of them ; and they spell out precisely the rehabilitative programme :
29 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
30 I was able to come back on that and add up the figures perfectly competently , but I can imagine that other people might not have been able to , and
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